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Top GMB Ranking Factors You Should Know About

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There are many factors that go into determining the ranking of a company on GMB. Some of the most important ones are:

1. The quality and quantity of reviews. Reviews are a key part of the GMB algorithm, and having a lot of good ones can help you rise to the top.

2. The accuracy of your business information. Make sure your contact info, hours, and other details are correct, and update them as needed.

3. The completeness of your profile. Make sure you’ve filled out all the fields on your profile, and add photos and videos to help people learn more about your business.

4. The relevance of your keywords. Use keywords that accurately reflect what your business does, and make sure they’re included in your business name, description, and other profile info.

5. The consistency of your posting schedule. If you can keep a regular posting schedule, it will help you rank higher over time.

Let’s discuss everything in detail about the most common GMB ranking factors.

How Google determines local ranking

In order to rank a business locally, Google takes into account a number of factors. One of the most important is the business’s proximity to the searcher. Google will also look at how well the business’s website is optimized for local search, as well as the number and quality of reviews it has received.


There are a number of factors that go into determining how high a business ranks on Google. One of the most important is verification. Having a verified Google My Business listing is one of the best ways to ensure that your business appears as high as possible in search results. There are a number of ways to verify your listing, including postcards, phone verification, and email verification.

Be Accurate

When it comes to ranking on the Google My Business (GMB) platform, accuracy is key. GMB relies on accurate business information to provide the most relevant search results to users. Inaccurate business information can lead to incorrect or misleading results.

Some of the top factors that influence your GMB ranking include:

  • The accuracy of your business information, including your name, address, and phone number
  • The completeness of your profile
  • The quantity and quality of your reviews
  • Your website’s local SEO

The Business Name

There are a number of factors that go into determining how high a business appears in the search engine results pages (SERPs) for general Motors Business (GMB). One of the most important is the name of the business. A business with a well-chosen, keyword-rich name is more likely to rank higher than one with a less relevant or keyword-poor name. Use a business name generator to help you brainstorm and choose the best name possible.

Another important factor is the website’s authority. The website’s authority is determined by a number of factors, including the number and quality of inbound links, the age of the website, and the overall amount of content on the website. The more high-quality inbound links a website has, and the older and more comprehensive it is, the higher its authority will be.

A third important ranking factor is the use of keywords. A business that uses relevant keywords throughout its website, including in the title tags and meta descriptions, will be more likely to rank higher than one that doesn’t.

The Services Listed

Some of the most important factors include the quality and relevance of the content on the business’ website, as well as the number and quality of backlinks to the site. Additionally, local businesses that are listed in Google My Business (GMB) have an advantage over those that are not, as GMB listings appear at the top of the SERPs for relevant local searches.

One of the main benefits of being listed in GMB is that it allows businesses to control their own listing information and make sure that it is accurate and up-to-date. This can help local businesses to rank higher in the SERPs, as incorrect or outdated information can negatively impact a site’s ranking. Additionally, businesses that are listed in GMB have access to features such as Google Posts, which can help them to stand out from their competitors.

In order to rank high in the SERPs, it is important to ensure that your website is optimized for Google search. This includes using keywords throughout your content, as well as ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly. Additionally, you can improve your website’s ranking by building backlinks from high-quality websites.

If you want your business to rank higher in Google, there are a number of things you can do to improve its visibility. By following these tips, you can help your business to reach its target audience and increase its web traffic.

The Products

A company’s products are one of the most important factors when it comes to ranking on the GMB Top 100. The products a company offers must be high quality and meet the needs and wants of their target market. Additionally, companies must offer a variety of products in order to appeal to as many consumers as possible.

Customer service is another important factor when it comes to ranking on the GMB Top 100. Companies must provide excellent customer service in order to keep customers happy and encourage them to leave positive reviews. Additionally, companies must respond to customer complaints quickly and effectively in order to maintain a good reputation.

Online reviews are another important factor when it comes to ranking on the GMB Top 100. Companies must have a large number of positive reviews in order to rank high on the list. Additionally, companies must respond to negative reviews in a timely and effective manner in order to mitigate the damage done by unhappy customers.

Website traffic is also a major factor when it comes to ranking on the GMB Top 100. Companies must have a high amount of website traffic in order to rank high on the list. This can be achieved by having an effective SEO strategy and driving traffic from other sources such as social media platforms and paid advertising campaigns.

Business Hours

One of the top GMB local search ranking factors is how often your business is open. If you want to rank high in the GMB rankings, you need to make sure that your hours of operation are prominently displayed on your profile and that they are up-to-date. Potential customers are more likely to visit a business that is open when they are looking for it.

Another top GMB ranking factor is customer reviews. Make sure to ask your customers to leave reviews on your GMB profile. The more reviews you have, the higher you will rank in the GMB rankings. Additionally, make sure to respond to any reviews that you receive. Showing that you care about your customers’ experience with your business helps to improve your ranking in the local search rankings.

NAP consistency

When it comes to ranking factors for Google My Business, there are a few key things to keep in mind. NAP consistency is one of the most important, as it helps to ensure that your business is accurately represented across the web. Making sure that your contact information is consistent across directories and other online platforms will help your business to rank higher in local search results.

In addition to NAP consistency, other important ranking factors include citations and reviews. Citations are links from other websites that point back to your business listing, and the more citations you have, the better. Having a large number of high-quality reviews can also help to boost your ranking, as Google takes them into account when determining how relevant your business is to a particular search query.

So these are some of the top ranking factors to keep in mind when optimizing your Google My Business listing. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your business ranks as high as possible in local search results.

Common Local Citation Issues

When it comes to ranking factors for Google My Business, citations are always near the top of the list. In fact, many local business owners find that fixing common citation issues is one of the quickest and easiest ways to improve their GMB ranking.

Some of the most common citation issues include:

1. Incorrect or incomplete business information (address, phone number, website URL, etc.)

2. Missing or incorrect category associations

3. Duplicate listings

4. Incorrect or outdated information

If you’re having trouble fixing your citations on your own, there are a number of online services that can help you out. Just be sure to do your research and choose a service that has a good reputation and a strong track record of success.


There are a variety of factors that go into GMB ranking. One of the most important is the category that your business is listed in. If you are a plumber, for example, it is important to make sure that your business is listed in the plumbing category. This will ensure that your business appears in the search results when people are looking for a plumber in your area.

Other important ranking factors include the quality and quantity of reviews your business has, as well as its overall online presence. Make sure to create a strong online presence by creating a well-designed website and optimizing your website for Google search. You can also promote your business on social media, and make sure to claim and complete your Google My Business profile.


There are many factors which influence a company’s ranking on GMB. Some of the most important factors include the quality and quantity of reviews, the accuracy of business information, and the relevance of keywords.

One of the most important factors for ranking is the quantity and quality of reviews. Reviews are a valuable resource for potential customers, and they can be a strong indicator of a business’s quality. The more positive reviews a business has, the higher it will rank on GMB.

Another important factor is the accuracy of business information. GMB relies on accurate information to rank local businesses accurately. If inaccurate information is included in a business listing, it can negatively affect that business’s ranking. It is therefore important to make sure all information in a business listing is correct and up-to-date.

The relevance of keywords is also an important factor for ranking on GMB. businesses with relevant keywords in their listing will rank higher than businesses without those keywords. Relevance is determined by how often those keywords are used on other websites. So, businesses that want to rank higher on GMB should make sure their website includes relevant keywords.


The first factor that contributes to a GMB ranking is the date the listing was created. Listings with an earlier creation date are given a higher ranking than those that were created more recently. This is because Google views older listings as more established and reliable.

Another important ranking factor is the number of reviews a business has. The more reviews a business has, the higher it will rank in local search results. This is because Google trusts businesses with more reviews to provide a better experience for their customers.

Another important ranking factor is the quality of the reviews. A business with high quality reviews will rank higher than one with low quality reviews. This is because Google trusts businesses that have positive feedback from their customers more.

The Description

There are many factors that go into determining how a website ranks on Google. However, some of the most important factors include the website’s description, its keywords, and the quality of its content.

The website’s description is important because it helps Google understand what the website is about. If the website’s description is relevant to the keywords that are being targeted, it will rank higher in search results.

The quality of a website’s content is also important. Google wants to provide its users with the best possible results, so it will rank websites with high-quality content higher in search results.

Keywords are also important. A website’s ranking will be higher if its keywords are included in its title tags, meta descriptions, and throughout its content.

What You Shouldn’t Put in Your Google My Business Description

Your Google My Business description should not include any of the following:

1. Prices or discounts – Your potential customers shouldn’t have to search for this information on their own – it should be included on your listing.

2. Generic phrases or terms – These can be found on any other business listing.

3. Copyrighted material – This could lead to legal issues.

4. Sensitive information – This could put your customers at risk if it falls into the wrong hands.

There are a number of factors that go into determining how high a website will rank in Google search results. The following are some of the most important:

1. Site Links – Google gives extra weight to websites that have links from other highly-ranked websites. This is because they consider it a sign of endorsement or recommendation.

2. Authority – Google measures the authority of a website by looking at a variety of factors, including the number and quality of inbound links, the age of the website, and how often it is updated.

3. Content – Google rewards websites that produce high-quality, relevant content. This includes not only the text on the page, but also images, videos, and other multimedia content.

4. Mobile Friendliness – In recent years, Google has been giving increasing weight to websites that are mobile-friendly. This is because more and more people are using mobile devices to access the internet.

5. Local SEO – Good SEO practices are essential for ranking high in Google search results. This includes optimizing your website for keywords, building links from other websites, and publishing high-quality content.


Photos are one of the most important ranking factors for businesses on Google My Business. When customers are looking for a business, they often check the photos to see what the business looks like and whether it’s a place they want to visit.

Businesses with high-quality photos that accurately represent their business will rank higher in Google search results. Photos should be clear, well-lit, and properly staged to show off your business in the best possible light.

In addition to ranking higher in search results, businesses with high-quality photos also tend to receive more customer reviews and leads. So if you’re not yet using high-quality photos on your GMB listing, it’s time to start!

Virtual Tour

One of the most important ranking factors for GMB is having a virtual tour. A virtual tour can help businesses stand out from their competition and show potential customers what they’re missing. According to Google, “including a virtual tour on your listing can increase the likelihood of your business standing out among the search results and can lead to an increase in website visits.

There are a few ways to create a virtual tour for your business. You can use a service like Google Street View, or you can create a virtual tour using a tool like TourWrist or Qlikview. If you’re not sure how to create a virtual tour, or you don’t have time to do it yourself, there are plenty of companies that offer this service.

In addition to having a virtual tour, there are other factors that can help your GMB profile rank higher. These factors include:

  • Having accurate and complete business information, including hours of operation, contact information, and website URL
  • Uploading high-quality photos of your business and products/services
  • Creating compelling business descriptions that include keywords related to your industry

GMB Paid Ads

There are a variety of factors that go into GMB ranking, but Paid Ads are one of the most important. GMB Paid Ads give businesses the opportunity to place their listing at the top of search results, increasing visibility and generating more leads.

There are two main types of Paid Ads: standard and promoted. Standard Ads are placed in the “Sponsored” section at the top of search results, while Promoted Ads are placed in the “Map” section above organic results.

There are a number of benefits to using Paid Ads:

  • Increased Visibility: As mentioned, Paid Ads are placed at the top of search results, making them more visible to potential customers.
  • More Leads: Paid Ads generate more leads than organic results, as people are more likely to click on them.
  • Faster Results: Paid Ads take less time to generate results than organic SEO.
  • Greater Control: With Paid Ads, businesses have more control over their ranking and can adjust their budget and targeting accordingly.

If you’re looking to increase your business’s visibility and generate more leads, then consider using GMB Paid Ads. They offer a number of benefits that can help your business grow.

Reviews & Ratings

There are a number of GMB ranking factors that influence how your business appears in search results. One of the most important is reviews and ratings. Reviews and ratings are a direct reflection of a business’ quality, and they can help potential customers decide whether or not to do business with you.

There are a number of things you can do to get more reviews and ratings for your business. First, make sure you’re asking your customers for feedback. You can do this through surveys or by asking for reviews on your GMB listing. Second, make sure you’re responding to reviews. Responding to reviews shows that you care about your customers and their experience with your business. Finally, make sure your listing is complete and accurate. This includes filling out all of the information in your profile, including your website, hours, and phone number.

Reviews and ratings are an important part of GMB ranking, so make sure you’re doing everything you can to get more of them!


There are various factors that go into determining how high a business appears in Google’s search engine results pages (SERPs). While not an exhaustive list, some of the most important GMB ranking factors include:

1. The quality and relevance of the business’s website and web pages to users’ search queries.

2. The quantity and quality of online reviews from customers.

3. The number of times the business’s website and web pages have been shared on social media.

4. The accuracy and completeness of the business’s information on Google My Business, including its name, address, phone number, hours of operation, and website URL.

5. The prominence and visibility of the business’s GMB listing, including its star rating and customer photos.

6. The legitimacy and trustworthiness of the business as determined by Google algorithms.

Post Strategy

There are a number of different factors that go into determining how well a page ranks in Google search results. Some of the most important ones include the quality and relevance of the content on the page, the number and quality of backlinks pointing to the page, and the use of keyword phrases throughout the page.

One factor that is often overlooked is the importance of having a strong post strategy. This means publishing high-quality content on a regular basis, and using keyword-rich titles and meta descriptions that will help your pages rank higher in search results.

It’s also important to optimize your website for speed and usability, as these can also impact your ranking position. By following these simple tips, you can help your website rank higher in Google search results, and get more traffic to your pages.

GMB Messaging

GMB Messaging is one of the most important ranking factors for businesses on Google. When users search for a business, the first thing they see is the business’s name, address, and phone number (NAP). If this information is incorrect or outdated, it can be very damaging to the business’s ranking.

One way to ensure that your NAP is correct and up-to-date is to use GMB Messaging. With GMB Messaging, you can communicate with customers directly from your Google My Business listing. This allows customers to easily get in touch with you, and it also helps improve your ranking in local search results.

In addition to being a ranking factor, GMB Messaging can also help increase customer loyalty and engagement. By responding to customer messages quickly and efficiently, you can create a positive customer experience that will help keep them coming back.

GMB Followers

Having a large number of followers on GMB is one of the most important ranking factors. The more followers you have, the more likely it is that people will see your business when they search for related terms. It’s also important to make sure your followers are engaged with your business. If they aren’t interacting with your posts or leaving reviews, it won’t help your ranking.

Another important ranking factor is the number and quality of reviews your business has. The more positive reviews you have, the higher you will rank in Google search results. Make sure to respond to all reviews, both positive and negative, to show that you care about what your customers think of you.

The final factor that’s important for ranking on Google is how often you update your GMB listing. If you add new information to your listing regularly, such as photos, opening hours, or product lines, you will rank higher in search results. Make sure to keep your information up-to-date so potential customers always know what you have to offer them.

GMB Website

When it comes to the factors that go into making a great GMB listing, there are a few key things to keep in mind. The GMB website is a major factor, and it’s important to make sure your listing is up to date and accurate. You should also make use of the free tools and resources that GMB offers, like the Google My Business Insights tool. This tool can help you track your business’s performance on Google, as well as see how your listing is performing compared to your competitors.

Social Citations

There are a number of factors that go into whether or not a business will be successful on Google My Business. One important factor is the number of social citations a business has. This is determined by how many times a business has been mentioned on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The more social citations a business has, the higher its ranking will be on Google My Business.

Another important factor is the quality of reviews a business receives. The more positive reviews a business has, the higher its ranking will be. Negative reviews can hurt a business’s ranking, so it’s important to make sure that all reviews are responded to promptly and politely.

The final major factor that goes into a business’s ranking on GMB is the amount of information it provides. The more detailed the information, the higher the ranking will be. This includes everything from hours of operation to menu items. So make sure to provide as much information as possible!

Behavioral Signals

There are many factors that go into making a great GMB listing, but some of the most important are behavioral signals. These are the actions that potential customers take on your listing that indicate that they are interested in what you have to offer.

Some of the most common behavioral signals include:

  • Viewing your listing multiple times
  • Adding your listing to a saved list
  • Commenting on your listing
  • Marking your listing as a favorite

All of these signals show that the customer is engaged with your content and may be more likely to convert into a sale. It’s important to pay attention to these signals and do everything you can to encourage them. This may include optimizing your listing for search, providing engaging content, and responding to customer inquiries quickly.

A Note on Google Business Profile Name Spam

Google has been facing some trouble with businesses creating multiple profiles and using them to spam search results. This can be extremely frustrating for customers, who may not be able to determine which profile is the correct one for the business they are looking for. In order to combat this issue, Google has been making changes to its verification process.

Now, when you create a Google Business Profile, you are required to provide a unique name for your business. This name will be displayed on Google Maps and in search results. It is important to use the correct name for your business, as this will help customers find you more easily.

If you find that someone has created a profile for your business without your permission, you can report it to Google. They will investigate and take appropriate action. By following these guidelines, you can help keep your business’s information accurate and up-to-date on Google.

How to Rank Your Business on Google Maps

If you’re looking to rank your business on Google Maps, there are a few things you can do to help give your business a boost. First and foremost, make sure that your business is listed on Google My Business. This is the easiest way for Google to index your business information and ensure that it appears in search results.

In addition to making sure your business is listed, you’ll want to create strong business listings with accurate information. Make sure to include a good description of your business, as well as keywords and phrases that are relevant to what you do. You’ll also want to include high-resolution photos of your business and its products or services.

Finally, it’s important to encourage customers to leave positive reviews of your business on Google. Not only will this help improve your ranking on Google Maps, but it will also help potential customers learn more about what you have to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the top 3 GMB ranking factors?

The top three GMB ranking factors are:

1) Reviews – Reviews are a major factor in how high a business appears in Google Maps. The more positive reviews a business has, the higher it will rank.

2) Citations – Citations are mentions of a business’ name and address on other websites. The more citations a business has, the higher it will rank.

3) Distance – businesses that are closer to the user will rank higher than those that are further away.

What factors contribute to your ranking?

There are many factors that contribute to your ranking on Google. Some of these factors include the quality and relevance of your content, the number of links to your site, and the authority of those linking sites. Additionally, Google takes into account how users interact with your site—such as how long they stay on it and whether they return.

How does Google Local business rank?

Google local business ranking is a complex process that takes into account a variety of factors. One of the most important factors is the quantity and quality of reviews a business has. The more reviews a business has, the higher it will rank. Additionally, businesses that are listed in Google Maps will generally have a higher ranking than those that are not.

How do you rank higher on Google?

There are a few key things to keep in mind when you’re looking to rank higher on Google. The first is that you need to make sure your website is properly optimized for search engines. This means using the right keywords and phrases in your content, as well as in your titles and headings. You should also make sure your website is easy to navigate, and that it loads quickly.

Another important factor is backlinks. When other websites link to yours, it tells Google that your website is authoritative and worth ranking high up on its search results. So make sure you promote your website through social media and by reaching out to other websites.

Finally, keep in mind that Google regularly changes its algorithm, so you need to stay up to date on the latest trends and techniques. If you follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to ranking higher on Google.

Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Review Grower. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

More from Joe Troyer

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