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RankTracker Review: Does This SEO Tool Help Your Google Ranking?

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When it comes to finding keywords and monitoring their performance in comparison to the competition, Ranktracker is an invaluable tool for businesses of all sizes. Far more effective than Google Analytics or Search Console, Ranktracker helps ensure that you stay ahead of your competitors by providing detailed insights into keyword ranking trends. By reading this Ranktracker review, you can learn exactly how easy it is to make the best use of Ranktracker’s features and whether it is worth your time.

What Is the Ranktracker Tool? 

With an astounding 3.5 million searches on Google daily, it’s no wonder that over half of website traffic originates from search engines! For some websites, up to 80% of their total visits come straight from the likes of Google and other search avenues. Search engine optimization (SEO) remains one highly dependable source for increasing sales, with a conversion rate reaching 14.6 percent on average – making SEO the perfect tool for any business looking to expand its reach online!

Your brand will only reach its fullest potential if you rank higher in searches; the more knowledgeable and experienced you become with SEO tactics, the better your chance of success.

It’s no secret that reaching the top of search engine rankings can be a confounding struggle. With your competitors fiercely vying for higher positioning, it can often seem like an insurmountable feat. Studies have found that most websites take up to three years before obtaining a number one ranking—with only 5.7% lucky enough to obtain this honor within their first year online! 

Unfortunately, many brands are still hesitant to invest in beneficial tools such as Ranktracker due to possible financial costs; however, it can catapult you ahead of the competition and quickly reach success through increased visibility and organic traffic-generation results, these investments will prove invaluable time and time again!

How was Ranktracker born?

In 2014, Felix Rose Collins set out to find a reliable web audit tool to track the company’s SEO metrics. After seeking advice from his forward-thinking friend, who suggested British rank trackers, they soon realized their goals were too ambitious on an international level. Therefore, the Rank Tracker business was relocated to Poland, where there were plenty of talented individuals in the field of SEO experts available for them to hire. And with that change came success!

RankTracker was created out of the necessity to have better tools. With this SEO software’s keyword finder, you can quickly identify how many keywords your site needs and measure their effect on your page ranking status. In the competitive SEO world, getting accurate information is not always straightforward; that is why RankTracker only sources the best data available, so they know exactly what works for you!

RankTracker understands that the most relevant data is essential in this digital era, so they have made sure its product offers updated information on search results. On top of that, all users can take advantage of RankTrackers’s user-friendly interface to get a quick view and explore further more intricate details desired by SEO specialists. The best part? You don’t need to pay upfront; you can try it out before deciding to commit!

Is Ranktracker a comprehensive SEO tool?

Rank tracker is the ultimate SEO platform that will revolutionize your search engine optimization strategy. With Ranktracker, you’ll be able to research keywords and analyze competitors, check and monitor backlinks, and track search engine rankings with ease!

Ranktracker provides a comprehensive platform which saves time and offers precise data to help optimize performance on search engines. Without it, brands may struggle in reaching their full web traffic potential. As an example- the website ranking first will garner 33% of all search traffic while those ranked second get 16-17%. From positions six to ten? Just 3-5%! With Ranktracker’s cutting-edge capabilities, your brand can unlock its true web traffic prospects.

Missing out on the first page of Google results means you’re only getting a meager 1% of the search volume, with 91% of websites receiving no traffic from Google. To maximize your brand’s potential and acquire steady web traffic, Ranktracker is essential for success.

Main Features of Ranktracker

Ranktracker is a must-have for businesses looking to succeed, and it provides an array of tools that can help. Let’s discuss some of the key features. Firstly, Rank Tracker – this tool is essential as it shows you exactly how your website performs with certain keywords in different scenarios. With RankTracker’s detailed analysis, you’ll gain unparalleled insight into what works best on your site!

With the rank tracker, you can view and compare your website’s position in various areas – from desktop to mobile, language-to-language, search engine-to-search engine, city to country. And because this software tracks and stores data over time for each criteria indicator it evaluates – such as desktop rankings in New York or mobile standings in Canada – you’re able to monitor any shifts that occur throughout time.

These nuggets of information can lead you to the changes that are required to help your ranking. White-label reports, which let firms utilize these to monitor customer success, is just an additional benefit! Other features may be helpful, too; take advantage and watch your search engine rankings rise.

Stay informed and stay on top of your game with automatic email notifications alert admins whenever a change occurs. Monitor progress daily, weekly, or monthly to ensure performance keeps up with other search engines like Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and Yandex all at the same time! With one easy-to-view screen, quickly monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) so you don’t miss any critical changes.

Keyword Finder 

Despite the rising prominence of other web elements, keywords are still an essential component. These terms inform search engines about a page’s content and theme. Ranktracker offers an effective keyword-locating tool that empowers any brand to discover new phrases they can make use of in their SEO endeavors. This utility functions in two distinct ways: you can either employ it to identify fresh keywords for your website or use it as part of your broader content strategy.

With Ranktracker, you are able to easily identify high-performing keywords for your website. Simply enter a keyword and the tool will suggest relevant terms with data on location, search difficulty, volume of searches and more – or use it to check how well your domain ranks against certain phrases. Regardless if you’re searching by keyword or checking a single site’s performance, all results provide an extensive analysis so that you can strategically build your brand presence online!

SERP Checker 

It doesn’t matter how high your website ranks on search engines if the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) looks unappealing. Many times, users will skip over webpages if they don’t trust what’s being displayed in SERP. Although you cannot have complete control over it, there is a way to monitor and edit the page with Google’s SERP checker tool – giving you an advantage when people are searching for information related to your business online!

With the Ranktracker SERP checker, you can see how your web page results appear based on location, keywords, and more. You will be able to determine if your website is present in numerous search engine results such as maps, featured snippets and reviews or shopping links. Furthermore, whenever your webpage appears within any of these categories a snapshot preview illustrating what Google displays for each separate result is provided.

In this manner, you can observe precisely what Google is viewing. Moreover, the Authority and Link Profile Strength metrics will be accessible to you which can assist in identifying competitor links that are appropriate for replication. These scores are calculated through a variety of data points such as:

  • Citation flow
  • Trust flow
  • Social signals
  • Web Audit
  • and more. 

Web Audit 

When aiming for success on search engines, it is essential to have knowledge of how your website is performing. With Ranktracker’s comprehensive web audit tool, attaining this information could not be easier; the process only takes moments! The web audit will scan every page on your website and quickly identify any optimization issues. You can effortlessly keep tabs on your site by running audits as often as you like – all past scans are securely stored so that they can easily be referenced in future if required.

With saved reports in XML format, you can quickly share them with your team. This scan is lightning-fast and utilizes over 100 data points to accurately assess the potential success of a website. Once complete, an audit dashboard will give insight into what needs attention first; displaying this information on a scale from 1-100 for precision. Not only does it pinpoint exactly where improvements must be made but also provides step by step instructions on how to do so.

No longer do you need to spend hours combing through websites for information. After utilizing Ranktracker over the course of a few months, you can easily compare your old scans with current ones in order to pinpoint problem areas that have been corrected and any continued errors. This allows you to stay ahead of the game without having to invest too much time or energy into it!

Links to your website have become less critical than they once were, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect them entirely. In fact, the websites appearing in Google’s top results typically boast 3.8x more backlinks than those below them—so building links is still key for driving organic traffic and improving visibility on search engine rankings. Make sure you’re doing everything possible to develop quality backlinks for your site!

Ranktracker’s backlink checker can be incredibly helpful in recognizing and deciphering essential data about valuable backlinks. Just enter any domain to get an instant analysis that includes metrics such as domain authority and traffic! Keep a close eye on your competition too, by saving the information you obtain for future reference when launching campaigns. This tool is invaluable if you want to ensure that only profitable links are pointing towards your brand.

It is essential to consistently keep track of the backlinks you have improved upon. This process can be difficult and consume an immense amount of time, but with Ranktracker it’s fairly simple. The tool provides notifications when new links are added to your website or a domain no longer appears in your rankings; making it ideal for examining how your backlink count rises over time!

To provide clarity, there is an easy-to-interpret graph that displays the data. Each backlink is carefully analyzed with substantial detail; such elements include domain, anchor text, page of origin and spam score just to name a few. Furthermore, this tool informs you when links have been taken down or deleted as well! With this efficient information readily available for your convenience – why not give it a try?

What Makes Ranktracker Unique? 

Ranktracker is a revolutionary product that has been designed to meet the needs of all users. The seemingly complex features are easy for beginners, no website experience required! With its simple and straightforward layout, Ranktracker provides detailed instructions on how you can make adjustments your setting with ease – something not found in other tools available today.

Ranktracker has the benefit of providing a wealth of data on one, easily navigable platform. Other competing products don’t even come close to matching Ranktracker’s complexity and utility. Additionally, with its suite of tools, you can amass information vital for ensuring your website is always at the top spot in search engine rankings!

Ranktracker Pricing 

Ranktracker is one of the most affordable SEO trackers on the market, offering an economical and feature-rich basic plan for just $9 per month when you commit to a year. While there are restrictions, this plan still offers more features than some other expense solutions!


If a monthly subscription suits you, then start from just $59 per month for the double data package, or opt for the quad data package at only $130. For even more value-for-money, choose their hex data package that starts from only $249 a month!


Purchasing a package on an annual subscription is also possible at attractive prices. The double data package starts from $708/year, the quad data package -$1560/year and the hex data package- as low as $2988/ year!

Don’t miss out on any of RankTracker’s exclusive offers and bargains! Keep watch for promotions sent through their email thread or social media accounts.

Ranktracker Alternatives and Competitors 

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of Ranktracker alternatives. To help make your decision easier, let’s explore how they compare.

Ranktracker vs Ahrefs 

Ahrefs is a widely acclaimed SEO tool, often referenced by other websites. Even though Ahrefs offers some free services, its cost remains much higher than Ranktracker’s and it does not offer any trial period; conversely, Ranktracker features a complimentary trial version. Besides that, users have experienced that the information provided by Ahrefs can be rather sparse while their dashboard design seems outdated compared to the sleekness of RankTracker’s. Moreover, people have found using RankTracer significantly easier than Ahrefs.

Ranktracker vs Ubersuggest 

Ubersuggest may offer some free features similar to Ahrefs, yet you are limited on the amount of uses every day. Furthermore, Ubersuggest is pricier if you decide to utilize its prized tools. One main issue with this service is that despite it having a wealth of information available, the formatting isn’t always easy-to-read and understand.

Ranktracker vs SE Ranking 

If you’re looking for a comprehensive SEO tool that is suited to marketing professionals, then SE Ranking may just be what you need. Although the free version has limited features and information available, upgrading can incur costly fees. However, it does provide more platforms than Ranktracker and comparable data on performance metrics. Keep in mind though; Set up isn’t as straightforward with SE Ranking compared to using Ranktracker.


What level of support does Ranktracker offer? 

Ranktracker provides exceptional customer support that many clients have found to be beneficial. Their SEO guide is extremely user-friendly and accessible for everyone, along with a well-maintained Helpdesk which furnishes detailed responses to any inquiries customers may have.

Who are the typical users of Ranktracker? 

Ranktracker is the ideal solution for website owners, digital agencies and large corporations alike who are seeking to achieve success in search engine rankings. Their pricing plans are designed to meet all budgets, while their software enables users to easily monitor performance on Google and other major search platforms.

Why is Ranktracker not showing any data for a keyword? 

In some cases, there might be no information for certain keywords if people within an area are not using them. If a keyword does not appear on Google or any other search engine, the app will have nothing to display.

RankTracker Review Summary

Are you aware that SEO errors can substantially slow down your progress, unbeknownst to you? Fortunately, RankTracker offers a stress-free experience with their services. Their comprehensive web audit inspects and evaluates the problems in your domain and guides you through fixing them. This is an incredible asset for businesses since they will have access to competitors’ sites as well as analyze articles to determine necessary features and keywords – all under one roof! Henceforth, after reviewing RankTracker’s offerings we highly recommend it due to its versatility, accessibility, and efficacy.

The Ranktracker is key to improving your website’s presence on search engines. With some effort, you can get higher in the rankings and receive more useful traffic, consequently leading to better sales. Get comprehensive analytics with their help; they will provide valuable insights into keyword ranking, site traffic from searches, overall rank and much more! Reap the benefits today by getting in touch with them – give your business an edge it needs!

Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Review Grower. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

More from Joe Troyer

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