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How to Turn On Facebook Reviews: Easy Step-By-Step Guide

how to turn on facebook reviews

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Online reviews have become a powerful tool for businesses to build credibility and attract potential customers. These little snippets of customer feedback represent immense power in influencing consumer decisions. Facebook recommendations hold significant sway due to its vast user base and trusted network. If you are a business owner looking to enhance your online reputation and harness the potential of Facebook reviews, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will guide you through the process of turning on Facebook reviews, enabling your customers to share their experiences and thoughts about your products or services. Tap into the influential world of social proof and maximize your business growth before ending 2023.

What Is a Facebook Review?

A Facebook review or recommendation is a public evaluation or feedback provided by users about a business, product, service, or any other entity on their Facebook page. It allows users to share their experiences or opinions to help others make informed decisions. Reviews on Facebook typically include a star rating system, with the user selecting the number of stars to rate their overall satisfaction. In addition to the rating, users can also leave a written review, describing their likes, dislikes, or specific experiences. These reviews are visible to anyone visiting the business’s Facebook page and can greatly influence a person’s perception and decision-making process.

Why Are Facebook Reviews Important for Your Business

Facebook reviews are crucial for online reputation management as they offer valuable insights into the experiences and satisfaction levels of customers. These reviews play a significant role in establishing credibility and trustworthiness for businesses. Take a look at some of the major benefits this feature can offer: 

Local SEO Ranking

Search engine optimization is an effective marketing strategy that focuses on optimizing the online presence of a business for local searches. It involves various techniques such as optimizing websites and generating positive reviews on Facebook. With the increasing importance of online reviews, Facebook recommendations play a crucial role in boosting the visibility of local businesses, ultimately driving more traffic and customers to their physical or online locations. 

Reputation & Credibility

Compelling testimonials from current patrons contribute to the decision-making process of prospective customers, encouraging them to carefully examine the products or services you provide and feel a sense of confidence and trust when deciding to engage in business with you; in no time, individuals will no longer have any need to contemplate other alternatives and will directly seek out your establishment. 

Client Interaction

A crucial aspect of interacting with clientele is through platforms such as Facebook reviews. Creating welcoming messages on social media can make customers feel valued and appreciated. Responding promptly to inquiries and addressing concerns displays a proactive approach to customer service. Additionally, asking for product suggestions and feedback demonstrates that their opinion and preferences are necessary. Showcasing expressions of gratitude towards customers can build stronger relationships and encourage loyalty.


Online feedback is crucial for businesses to understand customer satisfaction score and improve their products or services. Customer reviews can help you Identify the aspects of your business that customers perceive as a weakness and can provide the incentive to make adjustments and restore their confidence. Additionally, establishments can pinpoint strengths and prioritize maintaining or reinforcing performance. 

Add Reviews on Your Facebook Business Page

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The following step-by-step guide will give you everything you need to know to enable reviews on your page successfully. Usually, recommendations have been automatically turned on by default when you first create Facebook business pages – this is just in case the feature has not yet shown up. 

  1. Log into your Facebook Account.
  2. Head over to your Business page with administrative access.
  3. Confirm your page category is set to “business”.
  4. Access your Facebook page’s settings located on the top right side of the screen.
  5. Select the “templates and tabs”. 
  6. Scroll down until you see a “Reviews” option and enable it. 
  7. A reviews tab will now appear below your business name. 
  8. Good work! You have a reviews page, and now users can write a review when they search for your business.

Stack up Reviews on Facebook

Once you have enabled this feature, it’s time to get reviews! Here, we will give you a few tips to maximize the number of reviews and recommendations for your business listing. 

Welcoming customers to leave reviews on your Facebook page can never be more effective other than sharing a link that redirects them straight to the reviews section. This strategy will make your page easier to find in Facebook searches.

There are two ways to achieve this: 

  • Log into your page and simply add: /reviews/ to the URL – it will look something like: https://www.facebook.com/PAGENAME/reviews/
    • This option may not work 100% of the time, as it will sometimes redirect users back to the login page. 
    • To avoid discouragement, try the next option. 
  • Repeat the previous process making a few changes:
    • Start with the login link https://www.facebook.com/login/?
    • Add “next=” 
    • Add the link from option 1 replacing columns with “%3A” and slashes with “%2F”
    • For example https://www.facebook.com/login/?next=
    • Followed by https%3A%2F%2Fwww.Facebook.com%2F
    • Then %2 Reviews%2F.
    • There are no spaces – this option will be a more assertive approach, making sure users head straight to your review page as soon as they’re logged in. 

Congratulations, your link is ready to be shared! Take full advantage of all the social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, and even Google my business. Additionally, consider the text and email marketing campaigns available to pass on your Facebook review link and invite even more consumers to leave a review on your page.

Customize Your Facebook Reviews Tab

After you have included your recommendations and reviews on your page, we suggest you also personalize your “tabs” to make your review section more visible – this way, your reviews will be easier to find in Facebook layouts. To do this, take the following steps: 

  1. Locate the “Manage Tabs” option in the tab section on the left-hand side of the screen.
    1. Alternatively, you can also access your “Templates and Tabs” section in the page settings.
  2. Move the “Reviews” tab higher so it appears among the top choices from the list.

Embed Facebook Reviews

Embedding Facebook reviews on your website is a great way to showcase what your customers say about your business. By displaying positive reviews, you can build trust with potential customers and encourage them to make a purchase. Embedding reviews also allows you to highlight the quality of your products or services, ultimately boosting your brand reputation.

Go to your Facebook review link and find the review you wish to embed. Access the dropdown arrow and select the embed option. You will have the code to embed reviews from your page. 

Best Tips to Respond to Facebook Reviews

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Positive and negative reviews will be part of your business management agenda from this point on. It is essential to address feedback regardless of whether it is criticism or compliments. By doing so, you are portraying a strong character and a respectful demeanor toward your clients. 

Take a look at some helpful ideas on how to approach each scenario:

Positive Reviews

To respond to positive Facebook reviews, start by expressing gratitude for the kind words and support. Personalize the response by mentioning specific things that were appreciated. Encourage the reviewer to continue interacting with your page and consider offering a small token of appreciation, such as a discount code, as a thank-you gesture. This interaction will show appreciation to the customers who took the time to share their positive experiences and help build trust and loyalty. 

Negative Reviews

When responding to negative reviews, it is imperative to remain calm and professional. Acknowledge the customer’s concerns and apologize for any inconvenience they experienced. Make things right and offer a solution or ask them to contact you directly to resolve the issue. Maintain a positive and helpful tone throughout the response.

Is It Possible to Delete Facebook Reviews?

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There is always a comment that makes you cringe and leaves you bitter – like a splinter you just wish you could pull out and move on with your day. Unfortunately, it is not possible to delete individual Facebook reviews. The only alternative would be to turn off reviews altogether. 

To knock out the feature, Access your business page’s “Templates and tabs” option in “Settings” and toggle the button from on to off. 

Keep in mind, if you want to turn off Facebook reviews, you are finally saying goodbye to those harsh bad reviews, but you are also getting rid of the positive feedback you worked so hard to achieve. After all, your performance will speak for itself, and if you do your best to treat clientele how they deserve, great reviews will far out-weight the bad ones. 

Report Suspicious Reviews

Getting a bad review is something all businesses will have to go through. However, if you feel you have been targeted to receive mal intentioned, scammy reviews from questionable profiles, you can make a report and alert Facebook about the situation. 

  • Access the review drop-down menu (as you would for embedding).
  • Locate the “Find Support or Report Recommendations” option.
  • Choose the topic of the report and submit it.
  • While Facebook responds, you will be able to ban the reviewer or hide content this profile shares with your page.


Why Has Facebook Stopped Reviews?

If you do not see the Reviews option, access the Edit Tabs feature located at the bottom of the More box. If the Edit Tabs feature is not visible, likely, you are not logged into the appropriate account. Switch accounts and attempt again. Within the Edit Tabs menu, search for the Reviews tab. 

Did Facebook Get Rid of Reviews?

In the new update, Facebook recommendations took the place of reviews. Now, users can either recommend you or not – instead of giving a 5-star rating.

How Many Reviews Do I Need on Facebook to Get a Rating?

Many factors can determine the legitimacy and reliability of your business. 50-plus recommendations will give users a sense of trust and help you stand out in the face of competition.


You got a free guide on how to get Facebook reviews. It is a fantastic way to gain more visibility and connect with potential customers. Additionally, reviews and feedback allow you to offer a great customer experience by choosing the right way to respond to customer insights – they should be addressed professionally and empathetically regardless of their positive or negative nature. Every business should enable star ratings and reviews, do not miss the opportunity to stand out among your competitors!

Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Review Grower. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

More from Joe Troyer

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