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How to Remove Fake Reviews on Google: The Complete Guide

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Google reviews can significantly influence your customers’ decisions, but sometimes you may receive negative or false feedback intended to undermine and discredit your business. You may wonder if there is a way to remove fake reviews on Google.

If you’ve been the unfortunate victim of a negative review on Google and are asking yourself, “how do I delete these fake reviews?” then keep reading to find out.

Why are Google Reviews Important?

For small and independent businesses, monitoring Google reviews is critical. Sadly, some individuals may post dishonest or bogus reviews, which can damage a business’s reputation. This is why local companies need to pay attention to their performance in Google reviews.

When done right, these reviews can serve as a growth multiplier for your business.

Are all negative Google reviews hurtful for business?

Absolutely not – it’s highly recommended that you don’t attempt to delete every single negative Google review.

Authentic reviews with genuine feedback provide insight and should be cherished, not deleted. After all, potential customers might consider a business that receives only four or five-star ratings and glowing reviews to be suspicious. Therefore, it’s critical to counterbalance the positive ones by tackling any customer issues presented in negative comments.

You can use these online reviews to turn a crisis into an opportunity. Bad reviews can be salvaged by attending to customer feedback.

Bearing this in mind, there are only select situations where a business should attempt to delete an unfavorable review.

Believe it or not, having a combination of positive and negative reviews on Google could be highly advantageous to your business!

By having a few negative reviews amongst several positive ones, potential customers can rest assured that you haven’t just reached out to your contacts for admiration. This mix of customer feedback provides an honest and balanced perspective on what it’s like working with you!

No matter how excellent your business is, you can expect a few negative reviews here and there. However, having those honest opinions will make your Google reviews appear genuine. Just remember that it’s impossible to please all people; put in the effort to have positive ratings outnumber any negative feedback instead.

Not only do reviews provide you with feedback, but they also represent an opportunity to connect and rectify any legitimate grievances. Showing empathy by apologizing and taking action will help resolve the conflict swiftly.

Google reviews are a powerful tool that allows customers to share their opinion with the world. Though, just like in life outside of cyberspace, there will always be some people who post fake comments and attempt to malign your business.

Can I delete Google review someone left about my business?

Actually, you can delete some Google reviews. But only in certain circumstances. It is possible.

If a Google review contains false or slanderous remarks, you should swiftly remove it. Fortunately, several measures are available if you feel the content is unreliable.

Keep in mind that filing disputes on Google reviews can be time-consuming and maddening for entrepreneurs, particularly given the fact that it is a complex process.

How to remove fake Google reviews that are untrue or negative

A business alone will not be able to take down a review – and rightfully so, as that might lead to businesses removing all unfavorable or low-rating reviews. However, if an evaluation is false or malicious, you can urge Google for its removal. This way, companies are given the opportunity to defend against slanderous statements without compromising the integrity of their rating system.

Google is committed to providing its users with authentic and reliable reviews. That’s why any review deemed spam, fraudulent, politically motivated, illegal, hostile, or offensive is removed from their platform immediately upon notification by the user. Google will not tolerate false information on their website – if you find a review that doesn’t meet these standards, let them know, and they’ll take action quickly!

Ahead of moving on, it’s important that you have answered the fake review, at least. This helps Google know that you did try to resolve matters with the reviewer at first.

Responding to negative reviews

Always show potential customers the professional nature of your business on Google reviews to garner trust and respect.

To ensure that you are providing the best response possible, be sure to keep these practices in mind:

  1. Regardless of fault, start by offering an apology to set the tone for a resolution.
  2. No matter how vicious the attack, please resist the urge to take it personally.
  3. Objectively present the facts, striving to remain unbiased and non-judgmental.
  4. Keep your response brief and concise for maximum impact.
  5. Let the reviewer know that you are willing to resolve the issue by connecting with them via email or SMS.

If you persuade them to give you a chance to explain and clear up any misunderstandings, they’ll be tempted to take down the review. This can particularly help when dealing with those customers who have left malicious reviews.

On the other hand, when you come across a fraudulent review, it’s best to take immediate action by reaching out to Google. Prioritizing this process is essential, but make sure you first brush up on how to recognize false reviews!

How to flag a fake Google review

If the offensive and erroneous review has not been taken down, you can summon Google to address it by flagging it.

Use the following steps to identify and report false reviews:

  1. Open your Google My Business account.
  2. To ensure your review is accurately associated with the correct business location, make sure to select the specific branch being referenced by the reviewer.
  3. Go to the menu and choose “Reviews.”
  4. Find the negative review.
  5. Go to the three dots and choose “Flag as inappropriate.”

Although Google may not respond immediately, waiting a couple of days for them to analyze the situation and decide whether or not they should remove the review is recommended. For most fraudulent reviews, these two strategies can be successful. You can also use Google Review Widget as a tool  to collect customer reviews and display them on your website. 

If the problem still isn’t alleviated, then you must contact Google Support for more assistance.

How to get in touch with Google support for small businesses

To reach out to Google Support and get the help you need, follow these steps:

  1. Go to support.google.com/business
  2. Click on “Contact us.”
  3. Go to “Customer reviews and photos” and select “Manage customer reviews.”
  4. There you can opt to get in touch via email, chat, or phone

A quicker way to handle this issue is by flagging the review. Google will likely get in touch with you within 24 hours of doing so, particularly if you have a screenshot of it handy as proof. This can significantly strengthen your case and help achieve a better resolution faster.

Contact Google via Twitter

To streamline the issue, you should contact Google My Business via Twitter (@GoogleMyBiz) from your company’s official account.

Contact the support forum.

As you wait for a response from Google, consider seeking advice from other small and local businesses or brands on how they successfully managed to remove reviews.

A great platform to consult is the Google community support forum, where users share their experiences and helpful tips on how they flagged reviews.

For small businesses, flagging fake and malicious reviews on Google can be incredibly exasperating. Although there is no assurance that Google will eliminate the bogus review, if you are sure it isn’t valid and can commit to contesting it, it could be worth your time.

The undertaking may not always be simple; nonetheless, success is achievable with a bit of persistence and perseverance!

Types of Review violations Google may remove

Google has set distinct regulations that, if violated by a review, warrant its automatic or flagged removal. They have identified ten particularly prohibited types of reviews in their policy.

These are:

  • Spam and fake content are posted for the sole purpose of manipulating ratings. Examples include duplicated and multiple posting times, including from very different accounts.
  • Any off-topic posts that contain general content like political commentary or personal rants.
  • Advertising activities or products that are prohibited by local laws, such as alcohol, gambling, firearms, pharmaceuticals, and adult services, are not allowed under any circumstances.
  • Any activity that is considered to be illegal, like using copyrighted content, trafficking endangered animal products, or showcasing graphic violence and human exploitation, will not be tolerated.
  • Terrorist threats
  • Sexually explicit content.
  • Content that is obscene or profane.
  • Hate speech and harassment.
  • Impersonating others.
  • Conflict of interest. Submitting reviews for your own business (or having a current or former employee do it on your behalf) and attempting to alter a competitor’s ratings are ways of manipulating the system – something that should be avoided.

Removing fake reviews from Google Local

Are you looking for an effective way to remove fraudulent reviews from your Google Local page? Follow these easy instructions and watch those fake reviews disappear:

  1. Go to Google Maps from your Google account.
  2. Find your business through a search.
  3. Go to “Business reviews.”
  4. Click the option to select “All reviews.”
  5. Find the review you want to take down and click on the three dots.
  6. Choose “Flag as inappropriate.”
  7. Fill out the “Report a policy violation” form.
  8. Click on submit

This way, you can remove any inappropriate review left by a fake reviewer from your business listing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are fake reviews on Google?

Fake reviews are fake or fabricated user-generated ratings, reviews, and comments on a product or service that misleads consumers.

Why are fake reviews a problem?

Fake reviews can mislead consumers, harm the reputation of a business, and skew the accuracy of online ratings and feedback systems.

How can I identify a fake review on Google?

You can identify a fake review by looking for signs such as:

  • Overly more positive reviews
  • Inappropriate language or excessive use of exclamation marks
  • Lack of detail or specific information about the product or service
  • The same or similar reviews across multiple products
  • Reviewer’s profile with limited or no other activity

How can I report fake reviews on Google?

You can report fake 1 star reviews on Google by clicking on the “Report a policy violation” link below the review and following the instructions provided.

Does Google remove fake reviews?

Yes, Google takes fake reviews seriously and has policies to detect and remove fake reviews. If a review is found to be fake, Google will remove it.

Can I remove negative reviews that are not fake but are still affecting my business?

No, Google does not remove negative reviews unless they violate Google’s review policy, such as being fake or containing inappropriate content.

Can I respond to fake reviews on Google?

Yes, you can respond to fake reviews on Google. It is recommended to be professional and avoid engaging in arguments or personal attacks.

How can I prevent fake reviews from appearing on my business’s Google listing?

You can prevent fake reviews by regularly monitoring your business’s Google listing and reporting any fake reviews immediately. You can also encourage customers to leave genuine reviews by providing them with excellent products and services.


Removing google reviews is possible, provided they violate Google’s review policies. As a small business, you can report the review if it is a false review or even wildly inappropriate reviews. Google has made it easier for local business owners to strike off any reviews made with malice.

Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Review Grower. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

More from Joe Troyer

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