Having an up-to-date Google Business Photo is essential for any business that wants to stay relevant in today’s competitive market. Not only does it help customers find your business online, but it also adds a professional touch and gives potential customers a better understanding of what you offer.
Fortunately, changing your Google Business Photo is easy and can be done quickly with just a few steps. This guide will walk you through changing your Google Business Photo to keep your listing fresh and current.
How to Update the Photo on Your Google My Business Listing
- Updating the photo on your Google My Business listing is a great way to add visual appeal and help customers get an accurate first impression of your business. Here’s how you can do it:
- First, you must have a valid Google account and be logged in to it.
- Then, go to https://business.google.com/ and click “Manage now” or “Get on Google” if your business has not been verified yet.
- After signing into your account, select the business profile you want to manage and click “Photos” from the left-side menu.
- From here, you will see all of your current photos.
- Use the “Upload Photo” button to upload a new one or click the pencil icon beside any existing photo if you want to update it.
Things to Consider Before Uploading an Image
- Note that choosing a good image example is important as it should be high-quality, relevant to what your business offers, and give viewers an insight into what they can expect when they visit or use your services.
- Once you have chosen an image, crop it according to the instructions provided by Google My Business and then hit “Apply” when finished.
- This will save the photo changes and make them visible on all platforms where your business appears, such as search results pages or Maps listings.
- You may also need to re-verify ownership of your listing after making any significant alterations or uploading new photos and remove photos with low quality, so keep that in mind before submitting for approval!
How to Upload an Image to Your GMB Profile
Uploading an image to your Google My Business (GMB) profile via desktop is a great way to personalize your business profile and make it stand out from the competition. Here’s how:
- Log in to your GMB account.
- Click “Photos” on the left side of the page.
- Click “Add Photos” and select the image you want to upload from your computer, or drag and drop it into the window.
- Add a caption, then click “Add Photo” at the window’s top right corner to save your changes.
- Your newly added photo or logo will now appear in your GMB photo library, which visitors can view on your business profile page.
Benefits of Adding Images to GMB Profiles
Get Higher Organic Rankings
The benefits of adding photos to your profile go beyond just personalizing it, as new images are also one of the most important local SEO ranking factors used by search engine algorithms when displaying local results in SERPs (search engine result pages).
Highlight Your Business
Adding customer photos also gives potential customers an insight into what you offer and helps them discover who you are as a business and what sets you apart from competitors in the area.
Enhance Trust and Loyalty
Moreover, having high-quality images on display can boost trust for customers considering your services or products but still need to decide if they should choose you over others in their area.
Google My Business Post Image Size
The ideal image size for posts on Google My Business is 750 pixels by 750 pixels. This square shape gives the post maximum visibility and looks great on any device.
What’s the Minimum Size?
The minimum image size accepted by Google My Business is 400 x 300 pixels, and the maximum image size accepted is 5184 x 5184 pixels. Generally, larger images can draw more attention. However, it’s important to note that the file size should not exceed 10 MB when uploading an image.
Include Relevant Information
Moreover, a photo posted with transparency will be automatically cropped to a square shape by Google My Business. If you are using business photos with text or logos, make sure that the most important information and business name stay within the center of the photo, so it does not get cut off during cropping.
How to Manage Photos or Videos for Your Business Profile
Use Clear Product Pictures
First, consider the visuals you may want to include in your profile. Photos of your products, services, or team can be a great way to introduce potential customers to what your business has to offer. If you have any customer reviews or testimonials, these can also be a great addition, as visuals will help demonstrate your business’s positive impact on others.
Add Only High-Quality Images
When selecting visuals for your business profile, ensure they are high-quality and professional-looking. This means avoiding low-resolution images or ones with distracting backgrounds, as these can reduce the impact of the visual.
You can excessively use free online photo editors and graphic design tools such as Canva or PicMonkey to edit and enhance your visuals before uploading them onto your profile.
Alternatively, you could use Picsart’s line of AI-powered tools to make photo editing a breeze. Its hassle-free image background removal tool gets rid of unsightly backgrounds that disrupt the viewer’s focus. And if you don’t have any images to edit, you can still use Picsart to create your own graphics, blur the background of a photo, visuals, and designs for free.
Use the Right Captions
Another way to ensure that your photos and videos are engaging is by using captions or descriptions with them. These explanations will give viewers more context about the photo, which can help create interest. Additionally, if there is a story behind the new image, adding this business information to the caption can increase its appeal as people respond well to stories they can relate to.
A/B Test Various Images
Finally, experiment with different approaches to adding visuals to your business profile page. Incorporating both static photos and videos will give more variety and create more engagement with viewers who visit your page.
How to Change the Profile Photo for a Business in Google Maps
Changing the profile photo for a business on Maps is a great way to help attract new customers and increase visibility. Here’s how it’s done for any website:
- Log into your Google My Business account with your username and password.
- Select the business you want to update from the available list on the left side of the screen.
- Scroll down to the “Photos” section and click “Add Photos.”
- Upload a cover image from your computer or choose an existing one from your profile, if any are available.
- Select a cover photo by clicking on the “Make Cover Photo” button, which appears when you hover over the image you’d like to use as a cover photo.
- Once complete, click “Save,” and your new profile photo will be visible in Google Maps immediately!
- To ensure your new profile photo is seen in Google search results across all devices, make sure that it meets Google’s guidelines for photos: no logos, watermarks or edited cover images allowed; photos must be at least 720px wide and have an aspect ratio between 2:1 and 3:2; square images are not recommended as they won’t be displayed properly on some devices (e.g., mobile phones).
Why Is My Google Business Profile Cover Photo Not Showing?
One potential reason your Google Business Profile Cover Photo is not showing could be that the photo you are trying to upload must meet Google’s requirements for a cover photo.
Optimum Cover Photo Size
According to Google, cover photos must be at least 720px wide and follow their acceptable content guidelines. Moreover, any logos or trademarks included in the image must be owned by you or your business and comply with local laws where applicable. If your photo does not meet these criteria, it may not appear as your cover photo on Google.
Another possible issue could be that the file size of your image needs to be bigger. To appear as a Google Business Profile Cover Photo, the image must be less than 4MB in size which is a minimum resolution. If the file size of your image exceeds this amount, it will not show as your cover photo.
Finally, you may have uploaded a different file type than an image. The only accepted files for a Google Business Profile Cover Photo are JPEG and PNG images; if you have uploaded a different type of file, such as a PDF or Word document, it will not show on your profile page as a cover photo.
How to Set a Cover Photo on Google My Business
Setting a cover photo on Google My Business is an important way to make your business stand out online. To do this, you must have an active Google My Business account. Once you have an active account, follow the steps below:
- Log in to your Google My Business account and select the listing you want to add a cover photo.
- Select “Photos” and “Add Photos” on the left-hand menu.
- Select the image you would like to use as your cover photo from your library of photos or upload a new one by clicking the “Upload Photo” button at the top right of the page.
- Click on the newly uploaded header photo and “Set Cover Photo” at the bottom of the screen.
- You will now see a preview of how your cover photo examples will look in search results and on your listing page (you may also need to wait up to 24 hours for it to appear). If everything looks good, click “Save” and then “Done” to finish setting up your cover photo!
Use Good-Quality Visuals
Adding a high-quality, eye-catching photo is essential for creating an attractive Google My Business page that stands out in search results and entices customers to engage with your business online. To ensure that your business cover photo looks its best, make sure it follows these guidelines:
- The image should be in either JPG or PNG format with a minimum recommended resolution of 720 x 720 pixels and less than 5MB file size
- The image should be relevant and visually appealing; avoid adding text or branding onto it, as this won’t display properly in some contexts
- Take into consideration any cultural sensitivities that represent reality when selecting images
- Keep cropping in mind when choosing an image – make sure nothing important is being cut off or distorted when it’s sized down for different uses
Frequently Asked Questions
Why can’t I change my Google Business Profile picture?
Google Business Profiles are managed through Google My Business. You may only be able to change your profile picture if you have administrative access to the Google My Business account associated with your business page.
Can I edit my Google Business Profile?
Yes, you can edit your Google Business Profile. You can update information like your business’s address, contact info, hours of operation, and services or products offered. You can also add photos and other media to showcase what makes your business or law firm unique. Changing your profile helps customers find the most up-to-date information about your business when using Google Maps or Search.
How do I change my Business Profile picture on Gmail?
- First, log into your Gmail account and click the gear icon in the top right corner of the page.
- Select “Settings” and then choose “My Picture” from the list on the left side of the page.
- Click on “Change Picture,” select an image file from your computer or upload one from a URL address.
- Adjust cropping if necessary.
- Then hit “Apply Changes” to save it.
- Your new profile picture will now be visible to everyone accessing your Gmail account.
How do I remove a photo from my Google business page?
First, log in to the My Business dashboard to remove a photo from your Google business page. Then, select the business page you want to edit and select “Photos” on the left-hand menu.
Select the photo you want to delete and click on the trash can icon displayed next to it. Confirm that you want to delete it by clicking “Delete Photo.” Once completed, your photo will be removed from your Google business page.
Wrapping Up
Changing your Google business photo is a great way to ensure your customers have the best experience when visiting you online. Following these simple steps, you can update or replace your current image in no time. So don’t wait any longer – make sure everyone knows who you are by updating or changing your Google business photo today!
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