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Online Reputation Management: Editing Google My Business Reviews

edit google my business reviews

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Reputation management is not an easy feat, neither offline nor online. If you are a business owner, chances are you have wanted to edit or delete an online review at least once. Sometimes customer reviews are not representative of what your business stands for. 

Google My Business is an online tool that allows customers to leave reviews and star ratings, also you can manage your Google reviews and grow your business. As with every review feature, the possibility of getting negative feedback is there. Because of that, you might be wondering if editing Google My Business is possible. 

Take a glimpse into Google reviews, from what you’ll need to get started to how to manage negative reviews here. 

Exploring Google Reviews

Google reviews are a 5-star system available at Google My Business. Customers can leave comments, add photos, and rate the business from 1 to 5 stars. This feature gives business owners the possibility of learning if the customer experience at their establishment has the desired quality. 

According to research, potential customers tend to believe that reviews are trustworthy. 89% of customers check reviews before deciding whether they will buy a product or hire a service. At least 63.6% of customers check Google my business reviews before going to an establishment. 

Google Maps is another platform to promote your business. There, you can provide your company’s exact address, and similar to Google My Business, allow your customers to leave their ratings and feedback from their Google accounts. 

However, what happens if you get a negative review? Can you edit or delete a customer’s contribution?

Can You Edit Google Business Reviews?

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The short answer is no, you cannot edit Google business reviews. Once a comment is published, only the reviewer can edit it. The reason Google does not allow business owners to edit reviews is simple:  to ensure reviews are legitimate. 

The only ones who can edit or delete their feedback are users who post them. Otherwise, business owners can edit or remove a reply they add to the comments they get on their Business profiles. 

How Customers Edit Their Feedback

Now that you know you cannot edit a customer’s review, let’s learn what the process for editing feedback looks like for your clients. 

There are two options available for your consumers to carry on with this process. 

Editing Feedback From Desktop

  1. They need to be logged into their accounts. The process will start on Google Maps. 
  2. They will find the menu icon represented with three horizontal lines. 
  3. Your clients will have to click  “Your Contributions.” 
  4. Next, they must select “Reviews,” find the review they wish to edit, and click on the three dots with the “More” option. 
  5. They will select “Edit Review” and proceed with the changes they want to make. 

Editing Reviews on Mobile

Your clients can edit their comments from any mobile device, and here’s what they must do:

  1. They must open the Google Maps app. 
  2. They will head to “Contribute“, and go to “View Your Profile“.
  3. Next, your customers must tap “See Your Reviews“. 
  4. They will have to carry on steps 4 and 5 of the desktop editing option. 

What About Deleting Google Business Reviews?

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As you might have guessed by now, you cannot delete reviews either. Google has made sure customers read real, authentic feedback from customers. And in hindsight, you might be worried if you find your reviews don’t look as great as you would like, or you might find inaccurate information in one of the comments. 

However, here is where managing your business reviews comes in handy. From giving a response to all feedback, including negative comments, to making sure you know more about Google’s review policies. Knowing how to manage your feedback is a great way of keeping your reviews looking as great as possible.  

Manage Your Google Reviews

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As you know by now, there are certain things you cannot do regarding Google My Business reviews. Despite that, you have tools that can help you keep a high-quality reviews section on your profile. Sure, you might need to invest some of your time to do online reputation management, but there are tips you can incorporate to make the most out of this task. 

Answering Customers Feedback

This might seem obvious, but answering good and bad feedback is crucial for your online management reputation. Statistics show only 24% of companies reply to the negative feedback they get. Of course, you want your business name to be as pristine as possible online, but handling negative sentiment in a review can be just as helpful. 

Answering Positive Reviews

Answering praise for your products and services or for the customer experience your company offers is easy, but here are some things to keep in mind: 

  1. Start by thanking them for their feedback. 
  2. Address them directly, use the name on their Google profile, and be friendly and professional. 
  3. Give a concise answer, most customers don’t want to scroll through long responses.
  4. Let them know you look forward to seeing them again. 

Answering Negative Reviews

Here is where it gets tricky for many. You are aware that once a review is published, you cannot edit or delete it even if the feedback is negative. Take these tips into consideration to reply to negative reviews on Google:

  1. Start by thanking them for taking the time to leave a review. 
  2. The most important part of this process is acknowledging the situation and apologizing to the customer publicly. 
  3. Try approaching the matter openly, don’t be confrontational. Being friendly and professional is crucial. 
  4. Let your client know you will consider their comments to make changes. 
  5. Finally, ask them if they have any other recommendations for your establishment. 

Editing Review Answers

There are cases in which the customer will edit their review, maybe after you replied to their concerns and the answer helps to improve the situation. You can also edit your reply, and here’s what you need to do:

  1. Go to the reviews section and find the answer you want to edit. 
  2. Google has an “Edit” button. Click it to start editing.
  3. A new window will appear. You can edit your response there. 
  4. Finally, click “Submit,” and you will see the changes on your page. 

Reporting Reviews

There are situations in which you might find inappropriate content in a review or might find the comment looks suspicious. Business owners often ask if there is anything they can do about this type of feedback; Google allows them to report these reviews. To report a comment, follow the steps you will see next: 

  1. Make sure you are logged into your Google My Business profile. 
  2. After finding the review you wish you report, you will find three dots on the right side of it. 
  3. Select “Flag As Inappropriate,” let Google know why you chose to report the feedback, and add the information Google will ask you for.

Some of the reasons why you might want to flag a review are: 

  • Offensive language.
  • Reviews with a clear conflict of interest. 
  • The feedback is off-topic. 
  • The review is spam or fake. 
  • Lewd language. 
  • Violence, threats. 

Spotting Fake Reviews

Sometimes it is not possible to be 100% sure a review is fake, but there are some things you can look into. You can check out the profile of the user who posted the review. If you find this person is constantly leaving bad reviews or low star ratings, chances are it’s a fake profile. 

Similarly, if the user only posts photos taken from another website instead of photos they took at your establishment, it could be a red flag too. 

The Relevance of Online Reviews for Your Brand

It’s no secret that reviews are essential for businesses, especially online. Most customers resort to online feedback to make informed decisions instead of buying a product or service without some knowledge. A quick Google search allows potential clients to get a glimpse of the high-quality customer experience your establishment offers, which also leads to boosting your sales and online reach. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does It Take To Remove a Bad Google Review?

Reporting reviews is an easy process, but it requires you to be patient since the platform gets thousands of flagged comments daily. Getting an answer from Google can take a few business days, however, chances are that if your report gets approved, the platform will delete the comment within three days. 

How Many Reports Does a Google Review Need to Be Deleted?

You might be tempted to report a comment several times to speed up the process. Yet, Google needs only one report to start the process. Just make sure you add enough information regarding the policies you believe the feedback has violated. 

Can I Buy Google Reviews?

If you wonder whether you can buy a review or not, consider that buying Google reviews is an illegal, penalized practice by the platform. So, you might find it tempting to buy reviews, but the benefits are smaller than the risks this action brings. Your business account could be suspended. Additionally, the FTC has established buying reviews as an illegal practice. 

Can Someone Leave Two Google Reviews?

No, a customer cannot leave two reviews on your Business or Google Maps account. If they wish to leave new feedback, they can choose to delete or edit a previous comment. 

How Do I Access My Google Business Profile?

If you have created a Google Business account but are still getting accustomed to it, look at how to log into your profile here: 

  1. Head to https://www.google.com/business/
  2. Next, choose “Sign In” or “Manage Now.
  3. Access to your Google account. 
  4. Finally, you will be connected to your business profile. 


Getting started with Google reviews could be highly beneficial for your business. Nowadays, search engines like Google and platforms like Facebook are a staple go-to for people who want to learn more about your company.

You may be disappointed to learn you cannot edit Google My Business reviews, but that does not mean you cannot take measures against malicious feedback. Google allows you to manage your feedback section and ensures you mostly have quality reviews on your profile. 

Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Review Grower. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

More from Joe Troyer

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