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What Are the Best Software and Tools to Review Employees

employees taking during work

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There are several different software and tools available to review and monitor employee activity. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, so it is essential to choose the right one for your needs.

Performance Management 

One popular option is performance management software to develop user behavior analytics. This software can help you track employee performance over time, identify areas where improvement is needed, improve employee productivity, and set goals for individual employees or teams. However, it can be expensive and may require training to use effectively.

Employee Management

Another option is an employee engagement survey. This can help you gauge employees’ engagement and user activity monitoring with their work and identifying potential problems. Developing HR software may offer a more efficient and comprehensive solution for organizations seeking detailed insights into their workforce. However, surveys can be time-consuming to administer and analyze and may not provide detailed enough information for some organizations. Incorporating HR Templates for Human Resources and employee management software into your management strategy can streamline the survey process, making it more efficient and effective at capturing the insights you need. These tools can help you combine all relevant employee information like job title, department and contact details with the survey data you collect from employees making the information actionable for your management and HR teams.

Employee Satisfaction 

A third option is an employee satisfaction survey. This can help you understand how employees feel about their jobs and identify any areas of dissatisfaction. However, like engagement surveys, maintaining employee privacy, satisfaction surveys can be time-consuming to administer and analyze.

The best software or tool to review employees in the digital workplace will depend on your organization’s needs. A performance management system may be the best option if you need detailed information on employee performance. Alternatively, if you are looking for a comprehensive solution to streamline your HR processes, HR management software can provide features such as employee data management, employee attendance tracking, and performance evaluation all in one platform.

If you need to gauge employee engagement or satisfaction quickly, a survey may be the better choice. Ultimately, the best option is the one that will meet your specific needs most effectively.

How to Monitor Business Reviews and Respond to Feedback 

Business reviews can provide valuable feedback about your company, products, or services. Advanced monitoring business reviews and responding to feedback can help you improve your business and reputation.

There are a few ways to monitor business reviews.

  • One way is to set up Google Alerts for your business name or keywords related to your business. This will send you an email whenever there is new web activity related to your keywords.
  • Another way to monitor business reviews is to set up an RSS feed for popular review sites such as Yelp, Google Places, or Angie’s List. This will allow you to see new reviews as they are posted in real-time.

It is vital to respond to both positive and negative reviews professionally. Thank customers for their positive reviews and apologize to customers for any negative experiences they may have had. By responding to feedback, you show that you care about your customers and are committed to providing the best possible experience.

Sites Where You Should Monitor Reviews

There are many sites where you should monitor reviews to get an accurate picture of your business. Google, Yelp, and Facebook are all great places to start.


Google is the most important site to monitor, as it is the largest search engine, and potential customers are likely to start their research here. Make sure to be responsive to any negative reviews and try to resolve any issues that customers have raised.


Yelp is another popular review site, especially for businesses in the service industry. As with Google, it’s essential to be responsive to negative reviews and try to resolve any issues raised.


Facebook is great for connecting with customers and building a positive reputation. Make sure to post regularly and interact with customers who leave reviews.

Monitoring reviews on these sites is essential to ensure your business has an excellent online reputation. By being responsive to negative reviews and addressing any issues, you can show potential customers that you care about their experience and are willing to resolve any problems they may have.

Top 11 Employee Monitoring Software 

1. Hubstaff

2. factoHR

3. Time Doctor

4. ActivTrak

5. Workpuls

6. Teramind

7. DeskTime

8. RescueTime

9. TimeCamp

10. TSheets 

11. TrackingTime 

Choosing the right employee monitoring software for your business can be a challenge, as many different options are available today. However, by considering your specific business needs, you should be able to find software that is perfect for your organization. To help you get started, here is a list of the top 10 employee monitoring software:

  1. Hubstaff

Hubstaff is a popular employee monitoring solutions that offers a variety of features, including time tracking, activity monitoring, payroll integration, and more. Hubstaff provides a free 14-day trial, so you can try it out before committing to a paid plan, or pay annually. For companies considering payroll outsourcing, it’s essential to explore options beyond Hubstaff. Many reputable payroll outsourcing companies like RemotePad offer specialized services that may better suit your specific needs, and you can find a list of them in our comprehensive guide on the topic.

  1. factoHR

FactoHR is a complete HR management solution. Simplify employee data management, automated payroll processing, precise attendance tracking, intuitive leave management. Ensure data security, generate advanced reports, and customize workflows. Accessible on mobile, with training and support. Experience efficiency with FactoHR’s free trial. Elevate your HR management in just one platform.

  1. Time Doctor

Time Doctor is another popular employee monitoring solution that offers time tracking, activity monitoring, and reporting features. Time Doctor also provides a free 14-day trial, so you can test it before deciding.

  1. ActivTrak

ActivTrak is a flexible bamboohr employee monitoring software that offers a variety of features, including activity tracking, screenshots, web and app usage reports, and more. Additionally, ActivTrak has a free plan that includes all core features.

  1. Workpuls

Workpuls is an employee monitoring software solution that offers time tracking, activity monitoring, and productivity insights. Workpuls also provides a free 14-day trial, so you can test it before making a decision.

  1. Teramind

Teramind is an employee monitoring solution that offers time tracking, activity monitoring, screenshot capture, and more. Teramind also provides a free 14-day trial, so you can test it before making a decision.

  1. DeskTime

DeskTime is an employee monitoring software solution that offers time tracking, activity monitoring, and reporting features. DeskTime also provides a free 14-day trial, so you can test it before making a decision.

  1. Rescue Time

RescueTime is an employee monitoring software solution that tracks time spent on applications and websites. RescueTime also offers a premium plan that includes goal setting and real-time alerts.

  1. TimeCamp

TimeCamp is one of the best employee monitoring software solutions that offers time tracking, activity monitoring, and reporting features. TimeCamp also provides a free 14-day trial, so you can test it before making a decision.

  1. TSheets

TSheets is the best employee monitoring software that offers time tracking, scheduling, and payroll features. TSheets also provides a free 14-day trial, so you can test it before deciding.

  1. Tracking Time

TrackingTime is another employee monitoring software solutions that offers time tracking, activity monitoring, and reporting features. TrackingTime also provides a free 14-day trial, so you can test it before making a decision.

Top 10 Employee Monitoring Software Tools 

1. Rescue Time

2. Desktime

3. Time Doctor

4. Clockify

5. Hubstaff

6. Toggl

7. Timenotes

8. Timecamp

9. Chrometa 

10. Activtrax

Time management software helps to increase productivity while employees work. These ten employee monitoring tools will help do just that!

  1. Rescue time

Rescue time is a great tool to see where employees spend their time online and offline. It can be used for free or with a paid subscription.

  1. Desktime

Desktime is another excellent tool that allows you to see how much time employees spend on specific tasks. It also has a feature enabling you to take screenshots of what employees are working on.

  1. Time Doctor

Time Doctor is an excellent tool for tracking employee safety and productivity. It has features that allow you to track how much time is spent on tasks, take screenshots, and record videos to monitor employees and know what they are doing.

  1. Clockify

Clockify is an excellent tool for tracking employee time. It is free to use and has a feature that allows you to see how much time employees spend on specific tasks.

  1. Hubstaff

Hubstaff is another excellent tool for tracking employee time. It has features that allow you to see how much time employees spend on specific tasks, take screenshots, and record videos of what employees are doing.

  1. Toggl

Toggl is an excellent tool for tracking employee time. It is free to use and has a feature that allows you to see how much time employees spend on specific tasks. You can also check some Toggl Alternatives for a better comparison of products according to your requirement.

  1. Timenotes

Time notes are an excellent tool for taking notes on employee productivity. It allows you to track how much time is spent on tasks, take screenshots, and record videos of what employees are doing.

  1. Timecamp

Timecamp is an excellent tool for tracking employee time. It has features that allow you to see how much time employees spend on specific tasks, take screenshots, and record videos of what employees are doing.

  1. Chrometa

Chrometa is an excellent tool for tracking employee time. It has features that allow you to see how much time employees spend on specific tasks, take screenshots, and record videos of what employees are doing.

  1. ActivTrak

ActivTrak is an excellent tool for tracking employee productivity. It allows you to track how much time is spent on tasks, take screenshots, and record videos of what employees are doing.

Top 10 Server Monitoring Tools Free and Paid

1. Nagios

2. SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor

3. Datadog

4. New Relic Serverless

5. Icinga

6. Zabbix

7. Opsview Monitor

8. Centreon

9. GroundWork Monitor

10. PRTG Network Monitor

Server network monitoring is the process of tracking, logging, and analyzing server performance to identify potential issues and optimize efficiency. Various tools are available to help with this process, free and paid.

  1. Nagios

Nagios is a popular open-source server monitoring tool that can monitor server performance, uptime, and various other parameters. 

  1. SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor

SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor is another popular option offering more comprehensive features than Nagios. 

  1. Datadog

Datadog is a cloud-based server monitoring tool that offers real-time analytics and custom dashboards. Datadog pricing is a major concern and one of the key reasons why people look for Datadog alternatives.

  1. New Relic Serverless

New Relic Serverless is a newer option that provides insights into serverless architectures. For businesses looking to optimize these architectures, partnering with a serverless consulting partner can offer tailored solutions and expert guidance.

  1. Icinga

Icinga is an open-source monitoring tool often used in conjunction with Nagios. 

  1. Zabbix

Zabbix is another open-source option that offers a wide range of features and supports various platforms. 

  1. Opsview Monitor

Opsview Monitor is a commercial option that offers a wide range of features and integrations. 

  1. Centreon

Centreon is a popular open-source monitoring solution for large environments. 

  1. GroundWork Monitor

GroundWork Monitor is a commercial tool that offers an extensive set of features and integrations. 

  1. PRTG Network Monitor

PRTG Network Monitor is a comprehensive network monitoring tool with server monitoring capabilities.

These are just a few of the many server monitoring tools and network monitoring software are available. The best tool for your needs will vary depending on your environment’s size and complexity, budget, and specific requirements.

Top Time Tracking Software to Manage Employee Performance

A few different types of employee performance tracking software are available on the market. Here is a look at some of the top time tracking software to help manage every employee performance:

1. RescueTime: This software tracks time spent on applications and websites to give employees an accurate picture of where they are spending their time. It also provides insights into how productive employees are during different day periods.

2. DeskTime: DeskTime is a desktop application that tracks which applications and websites employees use during the workday. It also measures how much time is spent on each task.

3. Toggl: Toggl is a simple time-tracking application that allows employees to start and stop timers for different tasks. It produces detailed reports that show how much time was spent on each task.

4. Timetrack: Timetrack is a desktop application that allows employees to track time spent on tasks and projects. It produces detailed reports that show employee productivity over time.

5. Harvest: Harvest is a web-based time-tracking application that allows employees to track time spent on tasks and projects. It produces detailed reports that show employee productivity over time.

6. Connecteam: Connecteam is a management mobile solution that allows companies to create their own employee smartphone app with improved remote workforce management and effective internal communications. This time-tracking app can also monitor employee satisfaction surveys, performance management, scheduling and training.

Each of these software applications has its strengths and weaknesses. However, all of them can help manage employee performance by giving employers a better understanding of where employees are spending their time and how productive they are during different periods of the day.

Can Employee Monitoring Software and Tools Enhance Employee Productivity 

Many employers are looking for ways to increase employee productivity in the current business landscape. One way to do this is to invest in employee monitoring software and tools.

Employee monitoring software can help employers track employee internet usage, email habits, and work hours. This data loss prevention can be used to identify patterns and problem areas. For example, if an employee spends much time on non-work-related websites, this could be addressed with coaching or training interventions facilitated by HR Software USA, leveraging resources such as a proper coaching contract template.

Employee schedule software can also be invaluable in optimizing work schedules, ensuring that employees are working at their most productive times, and preventing scheduling conflicts.

Tools like these can also help employers see which employees are working the most hours and who may be at risk for burnout. By understanding these patterns, employers can change schedules or workloads to help prevent problems down the line.

Overall, investing in employee monitoring software and tools can be a great way to boost employee productivity. By understanding employee habits and patterns, employers can make changes that lead to a more productive workforce.

Can I Track Employee Productivity? 

Yes, if you are part of human resources operations, you can track employee productivity with a few different methods.

One popular method is to use employee time-tracking software. This software can help you see how long employees spend on each task. This data can show which tasks take too long and which employees struggle with specific tasks.

Another method is to use performance tracking software. This software can help you see how well employees perform their tasks. This data can identify which employees need more training and which are excelling at their job.

Both of these methods can help increase employee productivity. By identifying which areas need improvement, you can change your business to lead to more productive employees. 

How to Create Review Response Templates With Examples

Response templates can be a helpful way to streamline your process for responding to customer reviews, both positive and negative. By having a set template (or even just a few key points) that you refer to each time, you can save time and ensure that your responses are always professional and on-brand.

When creating review response templates, there are a few things to remember. First, ensure that your responses are personal and tailored to the specific review. A generic, one-size-fits-all answer will come across as insincere. Second, avoid sounding defensive or making excuses – even if the reviewer is wrong about something, take the high road and remain polite. Finally, make sure to use proper grammar and spelling, and avoid slang or overly casual language.

Here is a basic template for responding to positive reviews:

Thank you so much for your kind words! We’re glad you enjoyed your experience and hope to see you again soon.

And for negative reviews:

We’re sorry to hear that you had a less than satisfactory experience. Our team is constantly working to improve, and we would appreciate it if you could reach out to us directly at <insert contact information> so that we can try to make things right. Thank you for your feedback.

Of course, you will want to tailor these responses (and any others you create) to fit your brand’s voice and personality. But this can give you a good starting point for creating review response templates that work for you and your business.

Best Software to Monitor Reviews Automatically 

Many software programs can help you automatically monitor your online reviews. Here are some of the best:

  1. Google Alerts is a free service from Google that allows you to monitor the web for mentions of your brand, product, or service. You can also use it to track competitor activity and get notified whenever they receive a new review.
  2. Mention is a tool that helps you track online conversations in real time. It can notify you whenever your brand is mentioned on the web, including in reviews.
  3. Yelp Alerts is a free service from Yelp that allows you to monitor your business page for new reviews. You can also use it to track competitor activity and get notified of their new reviews.
  4. Reputation.com is a tool that offers review monitoring, alerts, and reporting, among other features.

Best Open Source Tools to Monitor Reviews 

There are many different open-source tools available to monitor online reviews. Some popular options include Google Alerts, Mention, and Hootsuite Insights.

  • Google Alerts is a free service that allows you to receive email notifications whenever new content is published online that contains specific keywords that you specify. This is an excellent tool for monitoring reviews because you can set up an alert for your brand or product name and be notified whenever a new review is published.
  • Mention is a similar tool to Google Alerts, but it also offers some additional features, such as the ability to track social media mentions and generate reports. It has a free plan that allows you to track up to five keywords, which makes it an excellent option for small businesses.
  • Hootsuite Insights is a paid tool that offers advanced features such as tracking competitor mentions, analyzing sentiment, and generating detailed reports. It’s an excellent option for businesses that want to follow their online reputation more closely.

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the best system monitoring software?

The best system monitoring software is the one that meets your specific needs. There are various options available, so selecting the software that will work best for you and your system is essential. Some factors to consider when choosing system employee monitoring software include:

  • What features are most important to you?
  • How easy is the software to use?
  • What is your budget?
  • Is the software compatible with your operating system?

Some popular system monitoring software programs include Nagios, Cacti, and Zabbix. Research each option to find the best fit for your needs.

How do you monitor reviews?

You can monitor reviews by subscribing to Google Alerts or setting up a Google Search Operator. You can also use review monitoring tools like Mention or Talkwalker Alerts. 

Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Review Grower. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

More from Joe Troyer

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