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How to Use Google My Business Posts and Write a Great One

How to Use Google My Business Posts and Write a Great One

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What’s not to love about Google My Business Posts? They provide you with free space to advertise! In today’s world, it is difficult to find any type of advertising that doesn’t come with a price tag. In fact, it is downright shocking how much it allows you to do with a simple public post.

If you want to beat the competition and better engage with customers, this free tool can be extremely valuable if used correctly.

Google My Business Posts are a great way to improve your profile and reach more customers. Keep reading to find out how to use them effectively.

What is a Google My Business Post

As we mentioned Google My Business is a free advertising opportunity for your business. You can share news, updates, events, specials, and other information about your business to potential customers!

Google says that Posts allow you to ‘connect with existing and potential customers through your Business Profile on Google Search and Maps through posts” because “you can create and share announcements, offers, new or popular items in stock, or event details directly with your customers.”

The advantages of using this tool are manifold: 

  • You will be able to talk with your possible customers 
  • You can upgrade your customer experience 
  • Your business profile can stay current with timely information  
  •  You can advertise sales, events, news, and other critical data 
  • Through sharing photos and explainer videos related to your company, you can increase engagement among existing and potential customers.

If you’re looking to take your Google My Business posts to the next level, try combining great copy with an eye-catching video or photo. Adding a link with analytics tracking will help ensure that your post is as effective as possible.

How to Use Google My Business Posts Effectively

Now that you know how GMB Posts can help your business, it’s simple to set one up! Just follow these steps to get your first post live in no time.

1. Log into your Google My Business profile

2. Find the “Posts” tab and click on it

It will be present on the left hand side of the screen.

3. Choose the type of Post to share

The information you can enter into your post will depend on the type of post you want to share. Luckily, Google My Business provides a few different options so that you can choose how best to share your information.

4. Upload your image or video

Did you know GMB posts can use more than just text?

It’s essential to use the proper size image for GMB Posts so that they look polished and professional. If you use an incorrectly sized image, it may get cut off in a way that looks messy or unfinished. You know what they say about first impressions.

5. Type your content

Use this space to provide information about your business, an upcoming offer, or even a motivational brand message.

GMB provides numerous call-to-action options for each post. Ensure that you select the one most appropriate for the kind of post being shared.

Here are some common CTA categories you can make use of:

  • Book
  • Order Online
  • Buy
  • Learn more
  • Sign Up
  • Call Now

Always remember to add an Analytics Tag to your links so you can collect more data!

7. Click “Publish”

Examples of Great Google My Business posts

Anybody can write a bunch of lines of text. Question is – how to use that real estate on GMB to attract customers? Here are some examples:

1. Provide Special Offers to your customers

An active offer on your Business Profile makes it more likely that someone will choose you over the competition. For example, let’s say I’m thirsty and searching for a juice shop near me in Google Maps. The listing for ‘Juice Island’ catches my eye because they have a special offer right there in the listing.

The button to get directions is right there once I click on it, making it super easy for me to pick this shop without ever having to leave Google Maps. It also helps that their offer is listed front and center.

2. Show off your space

What if you are a clothing store? That kind of business understands the importance of professional photos. You can showcase the inside view of your store, and different outfits categorized by gender. For example, you can show men’s cocktail attire, women’s casual clothing, and more. By having lots of high-quality pictures, you are able to show searchers what they sell and give them a taste of your fashion-chic vibe. This makes it easy for potential customers to tell if the store is right for them.

3. Deliver important updates with gratitude

Some businesses make sure that their Google My Business posts are short. But being short doesn’t mean wasting space. 

Suppose you own a salon and want to convey an important message that isn’t about your product or services. A post that says that not a single person has gotten sick from visiting your salon. By following this key rule, you’re able to engage potential customers more effectively.

The post isn’t about the company, it’s about appreciating the staff and customers for their hard work. Showing gratitude to those who help your business succeed is always a good idea.

4. Feature an upcoming event

Advertising an upcoming function? With Google Business Profile, you can create an event and post it on your profile as well as in Google’s event listings. If you’re using a third-party service to manage events, such as Eventbrite, simply integrate it with Google My Business and any new events will be automatically posted for you – perfect for recurring occasions!

5. Promote new products or services, paired with a great photo

Not only are good photos important, but when you combine them with a concise, easy-to-read service description and a strong call to action, you’ll really be able to capture your audience’s attention.

Suppose you are advertising a scenic resort by the lake, your Google Business post can catch attention with a photo of your lovely outdoor dining area. The kind of picture that outlines what can be expected from a reservation. Bonus points for making the process to book a table as easy as possible.

Tip: Include contact information with the Google post. You can also set up online reservations directly from your Google Business Profile—making booking a breeze.


Learning how to use Google My Business posts can open up a world of new possibilities in engaging and attracting clients that you could never could otherwise. Hopefully, this guide includes all the details that can help you make your business appealing, friendly, and convenient for customers who find it on Google Maps. 

Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Review Grower. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

More from Joe Troyer

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