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How to Unlock Glassdoor Reviews and Hire Star Employees 

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Table of Contents

When it comes to finding top talent, companies cannot afford to ignore Glassdoor – one of the most popular job sites with over 70 million monthly users.

Glassdoor offers unique insights into working at a company, with reviews and ratings from current and former employees. This makes it an invaluable resource for employers looking to improve their hiring interview process and hire star employees.

However, accessing this valuable data comes at a price. Glassdoor charges companies for access to its company reviews and ratings.

In this article, we’ll show you how to unlock Glassdoor reviews and ratings so you can make informed decisions about your next hire.

  1. Use a Glassdoor Review Plugin

If you’re using WordPress, or any other website platform for your company website, this is an easy way to show Glassdoor reviews and ratings.

  1. Create a Free Account on Review sites

Review sites offer free access to its platform for companies with fewer than 10 locations. With a bunch of free review sites, you can track online company reviews from over 100 review sites, including Glassdoor.

  1. Use Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a free service that allows you to monitor the web for mentions of your company. Create an alert for your company name, and you’ll receive an email notification whenever your company is mentioned online.

  1. Use Social Media Monitoring Tools

Social media monitoring tools like Hootsuite can help you track what’s being said about your company on social media. With Hootsuite, you can add Glassdoor to your streams and quickly see any mentions of your company.

  1. Use the Glassdoor API

The Glassdoor API gives developers access to reviews and rating data. You can use the API to build a custom solution for accessing Glassdoor data if you’re a developer.

Unlocking Glassdoor ratings can give you a competitive advantage in your quest to hire star employees. Using one of the workforce and headcount planning methods above, you can access this valuable data and make better hiring decisions.

Why Businesses Should Use Glassdoor

For starters, Glassdoor can help you recruit top talent. By reading reviews, job seekers can better understand what it’s like to work at your company. This means they’re more likely to apply for a position if they know what to expect.

In addition, Glassdoor can be used to improve your company’s overall rating. By encouraging employees to leave reviews, you can offset any negative ones that may be out there.

Finally, Glassdoor is a great way to get feedback on your company’s culture and policies. Reviewing reviews lets you understand what employees like and don’t like about working for your business. This positive or negative feedback can be used to make necessary changes to improve the workplace.

So if you’re not using Glassdoor, now is the time to start. It’s a valuable resource that can help you attract and retain top talent.

How Word of Mouth is Crucial for Your Business

Word of mouth is still the most powerful form of marketing in the business world. It’s been shown to be more effective than traditional advertising and cheaper and easier to do.

There are a few ways to encourage word of mouth for your business.

  • The first is by providing excellent customer service. If your customers are happy with your product or service, they’re more likely to tell their friends about it.
  • Another way to encourage word of mouth is by offering incentives for referrals. This could be a discount or freebie for the person who refers to a friend or a contest where the prize is something related to your business.
  • Finally, make sure you’re active on social media. This is a great way to connect with potential customers and tell them about your business. Post engaging content, answer questions, and be responsive to comments and messages.

Word of mouth is still the best form of marketing, so make sure you’re doing everything possible to encourage it. Your business will thank you for it!

How Employers Should Use Glassdoor

If you’re an employer, you may be wondering how you can use Glassdoor to your advantage. Here are a few tips:

  1. Use Glassdoor to learn about your competition.

By reading reviews on Glassdoor, you can get an idea of what employees think of your competition. This can help you adjust your strategies to ensure your company is the better choice.

  1. Use Glassdoor to find out what employees want.

Reading reviews can give you an idea of what employees are looking for in a job. This can help you create or adjust your company’s policies and improve your interview process to attract top talent.

  1. Use Glassdoor to improve your own company.

If you see negative reviews about your company, don’t get defensive. Instead, use the feedback to improve your business. Ask your employees what they want to see changed, and then make those changes.

By following these tips, you can use Glassdoor to your advantage and ensure your company is the best it can be.

Glassdoor vs. Other Review Platforms 

There are several ways to get an inside look at what it’s like to work at a company. You can talk to friends, family, or people you know who work there. You can also read online reviews.

Glassdoor is one website where you can read anonymous reviews from employees about their experience working at a company. But Glassdoor is not the only website where you can find this information.

Here are three other websites where you can read employee reviews:

1. Indeed

2. LinkedIn

3. Vault

Each of these websites has its strengths and weaknesses, so it’s essential to read reviews from all of them before deciding on a company.

Indeed is a job search website that also has employee reviews. LinkedIn is a professional networking site with some employee reviews. And Vault is a website that offers insider information on different companies, including employee reviews.

So, which website should you trust? All of them!

How to Optimize Your Business Listing on Glassdoor

As a business owner, you know having an online presence is essential. But did you know that your business listing on Glassdoor can also be a valuable asset?

If you want to optimize your listing and attract top talent, here are a few tips:

  1. Make sure your information is up-to-date and accurate.
  2. Include a description of your business and what it does.
  3. Highlight your company’s unique selling points. 
  4. Use keywords that job seekers are likely to use when searching for businesses like yours.
  5. Add photos or videos to give prospective employees a feel for your company culture.

By following these tips, you can ensure your business listing on Glassdoor is working for you—and not against you.

Best Ways to Respond to Glassdoor Reviews 

When you manage a business, it’s essential to monitor your online presence. This includes keeping track of what people are saying about you on Glassdoor.

If you see a negative review, don’t panic! There are some constructive ways to respond that can turn the situation around.

First, try to reach out to the reviewer directly. You can do this by clicking the “response” button on the review. Then, take some time to craft a thoughtful response.

You can still post a public response if you cannot reach out to the reviewer directly. Again, take your time to craft a well-thought-out message.

In both cases, avoid getting defensive or attacking the reviewer. Instead, focus on addressing the concerns that were raised.

Here are a few critical tips for responding to Glassdoor reviews:

  1. Be prompt

The sooner you respond, the better. This shows that you’re paying attention to what people say about your business.

  1. Be professional

No matter how angry or upset you might be, your response must be professional. This will help to maintain your company’s image and brand reputation.

  1. Be positive

Even if the Glassdoor review is negative, try focusing on your business’s positive aspects. This will help to offset any negativity that was expressed.

  1. Be specific

In your response, address the concerns raised in the review. This shows that you’re taking the time to read and understand the feedback.

  1. Be helpful

Suppose there are ways that you can improve your business, be sure to mention them in your response. This shows that you’re willing to make changes based on feedback.

Following these tips can turn a negative Glassdoor review into a positive opportunity. With a little effort, you can show potential customers that you’re committed to providing the best possible experience.

How to Respond on Glassdoor via Company Profile 

When an employer finds a negative review on their company profile, they may feel the urge to respond immediately. However, it’s essential to take a step back and consider the most effective way to approach the situation.

The first thing to do is try and understand where the reviewer is coming from. What specific issues did they have that led to their negative experience? Once you know their perspective well, you can start crafting a response.

Keep your response professional and courteous. Avoid getting defensive or attacking the reviewer. Instead, focus on addressing the specific issues that they raised. If possible, offer solutions or steps the company has taken to improve the situation.

Finally, don’t forget to thank the reviewer for their feedback. This shows that you’re open to constructive criticism and are committed to improving.

How to Respond on Glassdoor via Employee Center 

As an employer, you’re likely to receive some reviews on Glassdoor that you weren’t expecting. But don’t worry – you can respond to these reviews in a way that will show everyone that you’re serious about your culture and caring for your employees.

Here’s how to respond to a review on Glassdoor:

  1. Log into your Employer Center account.
  2. Click on the “Reviews” tab.
  3. Find the review you want to respond to and click the “Respond” button.
  4. Type out your response in the box provided. Be sure to stay professional and positive!
  5. Click “Submit” when you’re finished.

That’s all there is to it! By responding to reviews on Glassdoor, you’ll show everyone that you’re committed to creating a great company culture.

How to Tackle Bad Glassdoor Reviews

Bad reviews are inevitable. No company is perfect, and even the best businesses will receive the occasional negative comment. But when you see a bad review on Glassdoor, it can feel like a personal attack. After all, this is where potential employees go to research companies and make informed decisions about their careers.

As the employer, you have the power to respond to reviews on Glassdoor. This is your chance to set the record straight and show that you’re committed to making your company a great workplace.

Here’s how to tackle bad Glassdoor reviews:

  1. Don’t take it personally.

First and foremost, don’t take the bad review personally. It’s not about you; it’s about the company. The reviewer may have had a bad experience, but that doesn’t mean your company is a bad workplace.

  1. Don’t get defensive.

It can be tempting to want to defend your company when you see a negative review, but this will only make the situation worse. Getting defensive will only make you look like you’re not willing to listen to criticism and are not committed to making your company a better place to work.

  1. Acknowledge the issue.

The first step in responding to a bad review is acknowledging the issue. This shows that you’re listening and willing to address the problem.

  1. Thank the reviewer.

Even though the review is negative, thank the reviewer for their feedback. This shows that you’re open to criticism and you appreciate their input.

  1. Offer a solution.

Once you’ve acknowledged the issue, it’s time to offer a solution. This shows that you’re committed to making things right and taking action to improve your company.

  1. Follow up.

After you’ve taken steps to address the issue, follow up with the reviewer. This shows that you care about their experience and are open to feedback.

Bad reviews are inevitable, but they don’t have to be bad. By taking the time to respond thoughtfully and constructively, you can turn a negative review into a positive opportunity to show that you’re committed to making your company a great workplace.

How to Search Glassdoor Without Signing Up 

If you’re interested in researching a company but don’t want to set up an account, you can still access Glassdoor’s wealth of information without signing up. Here’s how:

Visit the site and enter the name of the company you’re interested in into the search bar:

  • Click on the “Reviews” tab.
  • Select the “All Reviews” filter.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

You’ll be able to see all of the reviews left for the company, as well as some general information about salaries and benefits. You won’t be able to see any detailed information about individual reviewers, but you’ll still be able to get a good sense of what it’s like to work at the company.

Tools to Help You Build Online Reputation Management

People searching for you online should find positive, accurate information about you and your business. But what if they don’t? What if they see old, negative articles or reviews?

That’s where online reputation management (ORM) comes in. ORM is the process of monitoring, managing, and improving your online reputation.

There are several ORM tools available to help you do this. Here are just a few:

  1. Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a free tool that allows you to monitor the web for mentions of your name, your business, or any other keyword you specify. Whenever someone mentions your keyword, you’ll receive an email notification.

This is a great way to keep track of what’s being said about you online and to respond quickly to any negative mentions.

  1. Mention

Mention is a paid tool that offers functionality similar to Google Alerts but with additional features. For example, Mention allows you to track mentions in real-time and to get alerts via SMS or mobile app. Mention also offers advanced features, such as sentiment analysis and competitor tracking.

  1. Brandwatch

Brandwatch is another paid tool that offers similar capabilities to Mention. In addition to real-time alerts, Brandwatch provides detailed insights and analytics, including social media listening and trend analysis.

  1. SocialMention

SocialMention is a free tool that allows you to track mentions of your brand or keywords across various social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and more.

  1. Hootsuite Insights

Hootsuite Insights is a paid tool that allows you to track, analyze and respond to social media conversations in real-time. It also provides detailed insights and analytics, including sentiment analysis and competitive intelligence.

  1. Reputation.com

Reputation.com is a paid ORM service that offers a suite of tools to help you monitor and improve your online reputation. These tools include social media monitoring, review management, and SEO optimization.

  1. Track

Trackur is a paid tool that offers similar capabilities to Reputation.com but at a fraction of the cost. It provides real-time alerts, social media monitoring, and detailed analytics.

  1. Yext

Yext is a paid service that helps you manage your online listings and reviews. It also offers some social media monitoring capabilities.

  1. ReviewPush

ReviewPush is a paid tool that helps you track, manage and respond to online reviews. It integrates with over 70 review sites, including Google, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and more.

  1. Birdeye

Birdeye is a paid tool that offers social media monitoring and competitive intelligence. It also provides detailed insights and analytics, including sentiment analysis.

These are just a few of the many ORM tools available to help you manage your online reputation. Choose the tools that best fit your needs, and start building a positive online reputation today!

Should I Ask for Glassdoor Reviews? 

If you’re considering asking your employees for Glassdoor reviews, you might wonder if it’s worth it. Here’s what you need to know.

Glassdoor is a website where people can anonymously review companies and their management. It’s a valuable resource for job seekers, and it can also be helpful for employers who want to get an idea of how they’re doing.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you consider asking your employees for Glassdoor reviews. First, it’s essential to be clear about your goals. Are you looking for feedback on your company’s culture? Do you want to know what employees think about your management style? Asking specific questions will help you get the most helpful information.

It’s also important to be prepared for negative reviews. Glassdoor is a place where people can air their grievances, and not every review will be glowing. If you’re concerned about how negative reviews could affect your business, you might consider offering an incentive for positive reviews.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I advertise my business on Glassdoor? 

Yes, you can advertise your business on Glassdoor. You can purchase advertising space on our website or through our partner sites. For more information, please contact us at advertising@glassdoor.com.

What are the best ways to monitor Glassdoor reviews?

You can go about monitoring Glassdoor reviews in a few different ways. One way is to set up Google Alerts for your company name and specific keywords related to your company. This will notify you whenever something is published online that includes those terms.

Another way to keep tabs on Glassdoor reviews is to check the site periodically. You can do this by searching for your company name or clicking on the “Reviews” tab at the top of the page.

Finally, you may consider using a third-party tool like Review Grower, Mention or BrandWatch. These platforms can help you track online mentions of your company in real time, including on Glassdoor.

Whichever method you choose, monitoring Glassdoor reviews can be a helpful way to stay on top of what people are saying about your company.

Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Review Grower. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

More from Joe Troyer

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