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How To Promote WordPress Blog: 2023 Guide for Beginners

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Whether you’ve just started your WordPress blog or want to grow the audience you already have, promoting it is the key to success. 

WordPress can handle high traffic of thousands to millions of visitors monthly. So, your task is to attract visitors to your blog. 

But how to do it? Writing more articles? It is only one part of blogging. Publishing deep and high-quality content is important yet insufficient to maintain a continual flow of visitors. 

You need to know how to stand out among millions of blogs that are being published every day.

Here are seven outstanding promotional ways that you can implement to improve your WordPress blog in 2023, which is worth taking note of.

Make Sure Your Blog Posts are SEO-friendly

SEO is one of the most important and effective ways to raise your website’s rankings in the SERPs. You have many opportunities to gain a higher reputation with search engine algorithms.

  • Keyword research. Do keyword research to identify relevant words and phrases your reader is likely to search for. 
  • Keyword placement. Your keywords should be used in the title, meta descriptions, tags, URLs, and throughout the content. Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can impede your SEO.
  • Meta tags. Ensure your meta title and meta description accurately contain relevant keywords. Metatags will help to improve the visibility of a page in search engines. 
  • WordPress plugins for SEO. WordPress provides various SEO plugins that optimize website performance by providing additional features and customization options to make your blog SEO-friendly. For those seeking specialized solutions, exploring white label WordPress development can offer tailored functionalities to enhance your blog’s performance.
  • Make your content scannable. Use clear and concise sentences, headings, and subheadings, and bulleted lists. Allow readers to easily find the necessary information. 

The quality content is the heart and soul of your blog. Attracting readers to your website is only the first step while making them stay is a completely different task.

  • Determine your segment. Select the niche that interests you and your potential readers. You can utilize Google Trends to identify the most actual topics. This tool shows the frequency of specific search terms mentioned in Google’s search engine. Therefore, it gives an idea of what readers are curious about.
  • Identify your audience. You should have a clear view of your target user. Draw a detailed portrait of your reader and compose your content correspondingly.
  • Publish your own research. If you conduct any kind of research (i.e., an expert interview) and share it on your blog, you’ll grant the opportunity for other websites to reference it as an original source. Therefore, you’ll trigger quality backlinks, raising your blog’s awareness and reputation.

Use guest posting

According to Forbes, external publishing is one of the most budget-friendly strategies to drive organic traffic to your blog. By placing your posts on other reputable resources, you promote your blog and get the backlink from those sites, improving your search engine ranking. 

Guest blogging is a go-to strategy for many specialists. There are a lot of websites accepting guest posts from talented writers. You choose a trusted site in your niche, write an article according to the requirements, include a link to your blog page, and send it for approval. 

Additionally, you can monetize your site via guest posting. It is a great opportunity to get high-quality content and earn significant profits from it. Just create a “Write for us” page, post guest posting guidelines on your website, and accept pitches from guest writers. Consider special services like Collaborator for speeding up a guest posting process safely. You can earn money by accepting guest posts from advertisers. Or post your articles on trusted websites from the vast catalog of high-authority websites. Get all these benefits using the Collaborator platform.

Share your blog on social media

Promoting your blog on social media is an additional way to elevate brand awareness, drive organic traffic, and engage with your audience. 

Here’s how to get started with your SM presence:

  • Choose the right platforms. Prioritize the social media platforms most relevant to your readers (Twitter, Facebook, and/or Linkedin).
  • Create engaging content. Your post should contain eye-catching headlines, a short informative description of an article with a backlink, great visuals, nice fonts, emoji, and hashtags. Remember to post regularly and stay at the top of your followers’ minds.
  • Involve your followers: Respond to comments and messages quickly. Interact with your audience through comments, shares, and likes/reactions. Try to organize a discussion and ask questions. 
  • Create shareable content. Write the posts that your audience will likely share. This way, you’ll turn your readers into your brand ambassadors. Don’t forget about social sharing icons on each of your blog posts to allow your readers to share your content on their own social media accounts.

Use Email Marketing

Email marketing is also a powerful lead-generation way to promote your blog. Emails are the supreme opportunity to maintain a personalized interaction with your visitors and let them know about new content.

To achieve this, you’ll need to create an email list to further promote and expand your blog posts.

It can be done using signup forms on your blog, pop-ups, content upgrades, and referral programs to persuade visitors to share their contact information.

This way, you can tell them about new articles in the email newsletter and attract them to the blog again.

Reach out to influencers

If you are fighting to gain thousands of readers, partner with an opinion leader from your niche who already does.

You can start by reaching out to influencers and bloggers who can help you to promote your blog to their audiences. You can share their content and engage with them before asking for anything in return.

Consider the following ways of their involvement.

  • Mention influencers in your posts. It’s an excellent way to start building a partnership with opinion leaders. You can let them know that you referenced their content in your blog post, and they may be likely to share the content with their readers. 
  • Interview opinion-leaders. Talk to influencers, ask them questions, and publish the post with their quotes on your blog. Thus, you’ll get the chance for your post to be shared with their audiences. Moreover, you’ll obtain your own original research that becomes the source of further quotes and references by other writers.

Update and upgrade your existing content

Keep your posts actual and relevant for both your readers and Google. If your old post has outdated statistics, falls beyond search requests, or isn’t ranked by search engines, you should rephrase and republish it.

Regular updates witness to search engines that your site is active and committed to providing information, which improves search rankings.

Final thoughts

To make your WordPress blog flourish, you need to pick the appropriate promotion strategy. We outline only part of the available steps and emphasize that there is no universal recipe for all.

You’ll be able to identify your path only by trying, testing, analyzing, and adapting. Put your audience at the center of your strategic efforts, and this would give you a solid start. After all, catering to your readers’ needs is the key to your blog’s success.

Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Review Grower. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

More from Joe Troyer

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