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How to Exclude Words from Google Search

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Search engines like Google have become an essential tool for finding information on just about any topic. However, despite their convenience, search engines can often yield overwhelming results, many of which may not be relevant to what you’re looking for. This is where the ability to exclude certain terms from your search comes in handy.

In this article, we’ll be discussing how to exclude terms from Google search results, using a range of techniques that can help you streamline your search results and find the information you need more quickly and easily. Whether you’re a student researching a project or a professional trying to find the latest industry trends, the tips and tricks we’ll be sharing will help you optimize your Google search experience and get the most out of this powerful tool.

What are Excluding Terms from Google Search about?

Excluding terms from search results refers to the practice of refining your search queries by specifying certain terms or phrases that you want to exclude from the results. This means that Google will only return pages that contain the keywords you’re looking for while excluding any pages that contain the specified terms you want to avoid.

There are several reasons why you may want to exclude terms from Google searches:

  1. Improve search results: Excluding specific terms can refine your search results and help you find the information you need more quickly and easily.
  2. Save time: By excluding irrelevant terms, you can save time sifting through search results that are not relevant to your query.
  3. Avoid distractions: Excluding terms can help you avoid distractions and stay focused on the information you are looking for.
  4. Find specific information: Excluding terms can help you find specific information buried in search results, making it easier to find the information you need.

Overall, excluding terms from Google search can help you get the most out of your search experience by providing more accurate and relevant results in a shorter amount of time.

But there are some problems

However, users may face common problems when searching for information, such as being bombarded with irrelevant results or struggling to find the information they need amidst a sea of competing pages. By learning how to exclude terms from Google searches, you can overcome these challenges and find the information you need more efficiently and effectively.

You will be relying on search operators to exclude words from Google search results pages.

How to Exclude Terms from Google Search Using Minus Sign (-)

One of the simplest and most effective ways to exclude words from a Google search is by using the minus sign (-). When you put a minus sign in front of a term in your search query, Google will exclude any results that contain that term.

For example, if you want to find information about “apple” but want to exclude any results related to the company “Apple Inc.,” you can search for “apple -inc.” This will ensure that Google only returns pages that contain the word “apple” but not the term “inc.”


However, there are some potential issues or limitations when using the minus sign to exclude terms. For instance, if the term you’re trying to exclude is an important part of the topic you’re searching for, you may miss out on some relevant results. Additionally, if the term you’re trying to exclude is a common word, it may exclude pages that are relevant to your search.

How to Exclude Terms from Google Search Using Quotes (“”)

Another effective way to exclude terms from your Google search is using quotes (“”). When you enclose a term in quotes in your search query, Google will only return pages that contain that exact phrase while excluding any pages that contain variations of that phrase.

This quotation marks technique is useful when you’re searching for specific phrases or names that you want to exclude from your search results.

Using quotes differs from the minus sign in that quotes only exclude pages containing the exact phrase you specify. In contrast, the minus sign excludes any pages that contain the specified term, regardless of whether it’s part of a larger phrase.

For example, if you’re searching for information about the “history of cats” but want to exclude any pages related to the musical “Cats,” you can search for “history of cats” -“cats musical”. This will ensure that Google only returns pages containing the exact phrase “history of cats” but not “Cats musical”. You can exclude multiple words using this technique.


However, some potential issues or limitations exist when using quotes to exclude terms. If you’re searching for a phrase that can be written in multiple ways, you may accidentally exclude relevant results that use different variations of that phrase. Additionally, if you’re searching for a commonly used phrase, you may miss out on pages that contain the exact phrase but in a different context. Furthermore, if you’re searching for a specific term or phrase that is commonly used in a particular field or industry, you may miss out on relevant results that use acronyms or abbreviations instead. For example, searching for “speech recognition” with quotes may exclude results that refer to “TTSD’ (text to speech download) “ASR” (automatic speech recognition) or “TTS” (text-to-speech) instead.

How to Exclude Terms from Google Search Using Advanced Search Settings

Google’s advanced search settings provide a more powerful way to exclude terms from your search results. To access these settings, click on “Settings” at the bottom of the Google homepage, then select “Advanced search.”

From there, you can use the “none of these words” option to exclude specific terms from your search results. Enter the term you want to exclude in the “None of these words” field and click “Advanced search.” Google will then exclude any pages that contain the specified term from your search results.

Using advanced search settings can be particularly useful when you’re trying to exclude multiple terms from your search results, as you can enter multiple terms in the “None of these words” field.

Additionally, the advanced search settings allow you to filter your search results based on other criteria such as language, file type, and date.


However, there are some potential issues or limitations when using advanced search settings. For example, the advanced search settings may not be available in some versions of Google or may not be visible on some devices. The advanced search settings can be more complex and time-consuming than the minus sign or quotes techniques.

To effectively exclude terms from your Google search, you can use the abovementioned techniques, such as the minus sign, quotes, and advanced search settings.

Here are some additional tips to help you get the most out of these techniques:

  1. Use specific terms: The more specific your search terms are, the easier it will be to exclude irrelevant results. For example, instead of searching for “cars,” search for “electric cars” or “sports cars.”
  2. Experiment with different techniques: Try to exclude terms, such as the minus sign, quotes, and advanced search settings, to see which ones work best for your search.
  3. Please don’t overdo it: Be careful not to exclude too many terms from your search, as this may result in missing out on relevant results. Only exclude terms that are truly irrelevant to your search.
  4. Combine techniques: Consider using a combination of techniques to refine your search results. For example, you might use the minus sign to exclude a specific term, and quotes to include an exact phrase.

While using multiple techniques can be effective, it’s important to be aware of any potential issues or limitations. For example, using too many techniques can make your search query overly complicated, and may result in missing out on relevant results. Additionally, some techniques may not work as well for certain types of searches, such as searches for news articles or social media posts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I exclude multiple terms from a Google search using the minus sign?

To exclude multiple terms from a Google search, separate each term with a minus sign. For example, to exclude both “cat” and “dog” from a search, type “-cat -dog” into the search bar.

Yes, you can use the minus sign to exclude a phrase from a Google search. Put the entire phrase in quotes and add the minus sign in front of it. For example, to exclude the phrase “black cat” from a search, type “-“black cat”” into the search bar.

Can I exclude terms from Google search on mobile devices?

Yes, you can exclude terms from Google search on mobile devices. Simply type the minus sign or quotes followed by the terms you want to exclude into the search bar.

There are some limitations to using advanced search settings to exclude terms from Google search. For example, this feature may not be available in certain languages or devices. Additionally, too many exclusion terms or phrases may lead to missing out on potentially relevant search results.


It’s important to exclude terms from Google search to avoid irrelevant results and find the information you need quickly and easily. Using the techniques discussed in this article, you can refine your search results and get the most out of your Google search experience.

We encourage readers to try these techniques and experiment with different combinations to see which ones work best for their searches. While there are potential issues and limitations with each technique, combining techniques can help you find the information you need more accurately and quickly.

Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Review Grower. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

More from Joe Troyer

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