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Exploring the Best Instagram Growth Service to Build Your Business in 2024

best instagram growth service to build your business

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There are currently over 2 billion active Instagram users. This makes the app a hot spot to get more eyes on your business, build brand awareness, run marketing campaigns, and increase sales. 

However, all of those will only be successful if you have enough followers on your profile. After all, if you have no followers, who will be seeing all your wonderful content?

Increasing followers organically is tedious work. This is where Instagram growth services come in. These services promise to give you followers safely and fast.

There are tons of Instagram growth services out there, so we’ll give you a quick run-down of which one is the best and safest for you. 

Let’s dive in!

How Does Instagram Growth Service Work?

High-quality Instagram growth services use algorithms and data to find followers who are likely to be interested in your account. They will then engage these followers via social media marketing methods such as following their accounts, liking their comments, viewing their Stories, sending them DMs, and more. This will lead to your target account noticing your profile, checking you out, and (hopefully!) following you. 

This method is more effective and safe than buying followers just to increase your follower count. This way, you can avoid getting marked as spam or permanently banned from Instagram.

Top growth services will also target real accounts – not bots, fake accounts, or inactive accounts. This ensures that you will get actual engagement from the followers you gain. 

7 Best Instagram Growth Service To Try

Looking to safely and organically increase your Instagram followers? Check out these top Instagram growth services that you can try: 


Price: Starts at $39/month which guarantees 800+ followers, while their Ultimate Plan at $219/month will give you 5000+ followers

Note: Offers 7-day free trial  

Key Features:

  • Advanced Targeting
  • Easy set-up and intuitive dashboard
  • Can choose between slow, medium, or quick explosive growth, depending on your needs

Kicksta is a growth service that promises real followers instead of bots. They use gain strategies such as Welcome DMs, Follow/Unfollow, and other engagement methods to increase your business’s organic followers.

Kicksta offers targeting methods such as targeting users by industry, influencer, competitor, or hashtag. This helps you attract real followers who are more likely to be interested in your content. 

You can also filter users by gender, which is helpful for businesses with a specific gender-based audience.


Price: Starts at $39/month for 800+ followers. Their highest plan is Speed at $119/month which guarantees 2000+followers

Note: No Free Trial

Key Features:

  • Smart and advanced targeting options
  • Easy 2 minutes set-up
  • Provides insights to optimize your account with their Instagram Audits

Nitreo combines advanced targeting and AI-powered automation to grow your Instagram followers organically. 

Like Kicksta, Nitreo will target relevant accounts to you – whether by location, hashtag, or similar accounts. They will then use engagement tactics such as Follow/Unfollow, liking comments, and viewing Stories to help you get noticed by these accounts. 

Nitreo also offers advanced parameters in targeting accounts such as targeting them based on the minimum or maximum number of followers they have, how much engagement they get, the minimum amount of posts they should have, and more. These are auto-optimized but you have the option to set these yourself if you want. 


Price: Starts at $39/month for 800+ followers. Their Premium Plan comes at $239/month which can give you 5000+followers

Note: 10-day Free Trial

Key Features:

  • Advanced and custom targeting options
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Mobile-friendly dashboard

Upleap uses engagement tactics like liking and following relevant accounts or sending Welcome DMs to attract followers to your Instagram profile. They promise to target real accounts to grow your account organically instead of using bots or buying fake followers. 

Upleap also offers advanced targeting options based on a user’s location, hashtag, or similar accounts. You can also filter by gender or filter accounts based on your whitelist and blacklist. 

What sets Upleap apart from Kicksta and Nitreo is that they give you a dedicated account manager to handle your profile. This is great for people who prefer a more hands-on approach. 

Social Buddy

Price: Charges $3.30 per day

Note: No free trial

Key Features:

  • Advanced targeting options
  • Easy set-up

SocialBuddy is another Instagram growth service that promises to target real accounts instead of fake or ghost accounts. They target based on your niche, industry, competitor, influencer, or hashtag to give you followers who will have a real interest in your content. 

SocialBuddy aims to give you steady and organic Instagram growth that won’t get you marked as spam. Instead of giving you a huge increase of followers in one shot, they will slowly engage accounts to give you more natural growth. 

Social Sensei

Price: Starts at $349/month for an influencer campaign which will give you 2500-3500+ followers

Note: No free trial but offers a money-back guarantee

Key Features:

  • Access to a huge audience
  • A safer way to get followers since they don’t run automation tools or bots
  • Dedicated account manager

Social Sensei works differently compared to other Instagram growth services on this list as they use influencer marketing campaigns instead of automated engagement methods to grow your followers. 

How it works is that Social Sensei will run a loop giveaway on your chosen influencer’s page. The influencer will then tell the followers that to join the giveaway, they will need to follow certain accounts, which will include you. This method will give you followers and exposure to a wider range of people. 

They also offer social media management and other influencer campaigns alongside the giveaway such as sponsored posts or ads. You will also get a dedicated account manager that will manage and optimize your profile. 


Price: Managed Growth package starts at $168/month while their Managed Advanced Plan starts at $699/month

Note: No free trial but offers a money-back guarantee 

Key Features:

  • Offers multiple package plans that will suit your needs and preferences
  • Provides more through marketing strategies
  • Dedicated account manager

AIGrow offers multiple options to grow your followers. You can go for their Managed Growth package where they will target and engage real accounts based on hashtags, competitors, location, gender, etc. If you prefer sending customized DMs to engage accounts, you can go for their Managed DM package instead.

AIGrow also offers a Managed Advanced Plan that works similarly to Social Sensei. This combines automated engagement methods with influencer campaigns, brand promotions, links in bio, and giveaways. They will also create Instagram Reels and TikTok videos to help boost your content. 


Price: Basic plan starts at $54/month while their Pro plan starts at $84/month

Note: 7-day free trial

Key Features:

  • Provides multiple options to grow your Instagram account
  • Can customize the plan to include whichever modules you want

Inflact brands themselves as an all-in-one growth marketing toolkit for Instagram. They provide “modules” to attract users to follow and engage with your Instagram profile. 

Promo module is their AI-based system which can help you target and direct relevant accounts to follow your profile. They also offer a Direct module that works as a CRM system to get new buyers and boost sales on your Instagram account. This works by sending them welcome messages, personalized DMs, and a 24/7 chatbot to answer FAQs.  

They also have a Posting module, which is a scheduler tool for Instagram. This lets you plan, schedule, and optimize your content to maximize engagement. 

Other Strategies to Boost Your Instagram

Increasing your followers is just one factor in your overall Instagram marketing strategy. You’ll also need to provide content that your followers will enjoy and engage with. Otherwise, they may just unfollow your account, wasting all your growth strategy efforts. 

Creating a beautiful Instagram post might be at the top of your mind. But some more underrated strategies you can try are:

Instagram Reels

Reels generate 2x more reach than other content types. It has a 30.8% reach compared to 14.45% of carousels and 13.14% of an image Instagram post. If you’re aiming to boost your brand’s visibility, posting Reels is the way to go.

Of course, simply posting Reels is not just the end-all-be-all. You need to post interesting and compelling ones to get the attention of your audience.

Try to use popular music, add fancier transitions and effects, follow new video trends, use interactive elements such as polls and challenges, and use more niche hashtags for better-performing Reels.

Instagram Stories

Your Instagram Story is a great way to put your content right at the forefront of your follower’s Feeds. This is because your Stories will appear on the top portion of the app. Your followers can immediately see them without needing to wade through tons of posts just to see your content. 

It’s also a great opportunity to humanize your business. Stories tend to be more “natural” and less staged compared to a typical Instagram post. They make you look more accessible and relatable to your audience, which tends to increase engagement.

To create Instagram Stories that are appealing to your audience, make use of Instagram features such as polls, countdowns, quizzes, emoji meter, reactions, or questions. This makes your Instagram Story more interactive compared to just a simple video or image. 

Instagram Highlights 

Instagram Highlights can both organize your content as well as extend the reach and visibility of your Stories.

Use your Highlights to categorize your Stories by theme, product, service, date, etc. This makes it easier for your followers to quickly find the information they need when visiting your profile.

Adding old Stories to highlights can also extend its lifespan. This ensures that even after the 24-hour period has passed, your followers can still see content, announcements, and other key information. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Instagram Growth Services Safe and Legit? 

This will depend on the service that you use. Focus on credible and quality services like the ones listed above as they can give you organic growth that complies with Instagram’s rules. Avoid ones that buy Instagram followers, those that sell pre-loaded accounts, and those that use bots.  

Will I Get Real Followers From These Services?

Yes, so long as you use an Instagram growth service from high-quality companies. Find those that target real and active accounts instead of those that just bulk buy followers as chances are those bulk followers are just bots or fake accounts. 

Do I Need an Instagram Growth Service?

This will depend on your goals. You can use these services if you want to beef up the credibility of your new account, add social proof, or increase your followers just before a huge campaign. You can also use them if you find that your methods are not getting you enough followers for a quick boost. 

Wrapping Up

Getting followers is hard work, but it doesn’t have to be with these Instagram growth services. 

Make sure to use services that target real accounts, those that follow Instagram rules, and those that prioritize steady and organic growth.  

Lastly, make sure to combine your growth efforts with great content. This ensures a more well-rounded and high-quality profile that will continuously get engagement.

Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Review Grower. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

More from Joe Troyer

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