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VidIQ Review

VidIQ review

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Table of Contents

From optimizing titles, descriptions, and tags to tracking competitor metrics and even running A/B tests on thumbnails – Vidiq offers everything you need to maximize your YouTube channel’s visibility. This review will explore all the features Vidiq Pro provides so that you can decide if it is worth investing in for your business or channel.

What is VidIQ?

At its core, VidIQ offers tools to help content creators understand the performance of their content and make informed decisions on what works best. The platform provides information about watch time, views, subscribers, and more in a single dashboard which can be used to identify trends and track progress.

Moreover, deep-level analytics allow for further optimization of titles, tags, descriptions, thumbnails, and more.

How Does VidIQ Help?

With the help of VidIQ’s suite of features, content creators can get actionable data about their video’s performance, such as sentiment analysis from comments (positive or negative), keyword difficulty score (helpful in targeting potentially successful topics), estimated earnings based on current statistics such as views/watch time/engagement rate.

This gives users the knowledge they need to make informed choices when creating new videos, video descriptions, or editing existing ones.

How to Use VidIQ Free Version

VidIQ Free Version is a great way to get started with your video marketing and keep track of your progress. It is an excellent tool for beginner and professional video marketers to optimize their videos, monitor their performance, and grow their reach.

Video Keywords

The basic version of VidIQ provides users with features such as Video Keywords, Advanced Analytics, YouTube Trends, YouTube Channel Reports, Suggested Tags, and more. With these features, you can gain insights into how well your videos perform and make changes accordingly to improve the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Video Keywords allow users to view the most popular YouTube SEO search terms associated with their videos. This helps you identify which keywords drive views and engagement so you can focus on those keywords in future campaigns. 

Advanced Analytics

Advanced Analytics provides detailed information on where viewers are watching your videos (e.g., geography), what content they’re engaging with (e.g., a specific portion of a video or interaction with annotations or cards), and how long they watched until the end (e.g., watch time). 

YouTube Trends is a valuable feature that shows you the most popular topics being discussed on YouTube related to keywords you have entered into the system. This allows you to follow the latest trends so that you can stay ahead of the game when it comes to creating content that will engage viewers. 

YouTube Channel Report

The YouTube Channel Report feature gives users an overview of their overall performance across all channels, including total reach and views, average watch time, top countries watching each channel’s content, and referring sources for viewership. As well as other important metrics that help determine success in terms of engagement rates and conversion rates. 

Suggested Tags

Suggested Tags allow users to find related tags that could increase discoverability while optimizing existing tags for better performance on YouTube’s search engine optimization results page. 

How to Copy Tags from Another YouTube Video

Here’s how you can copy tags from another YouTube video:

  1. First, you need to find a YouTube creator video related to yours that is doing well in the search rankings. 
  2. To do this, enter keywords related to your video into the YouTube search bar and look through the top results. Choose one with solid engagement metrics (e.g., high views, likes, comments).
  3. Once you’ve found a suitable video, click on it to view its details. On the right-hand side of the page, under “Video Details,” there should be a list of tags associated with it. 
  4. Copy these tags by selecting them with your mouse and pressing Ctrl+C (or Cmd+C if you’re using a Mac).
  5. Now open up your YouTube video page and scroll until you see an area labeled “Tags.” Paste in the tags from the other video by pressing Ctrl+V (or Cmd+V if you’re using a Mac). 
  6. You may have to delete some of them if there are too many for your video’s description; YouTube only allows 500 characters for tag descriptions, so stay within this limit!
  7. Once all the tags have been added, click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page and then check back in your analytics dashboard to see how much exposure they are bringing in for your videos. 

With some luck and good keyword choices, copying tags from other successful videos can effectively boost viewership numbers on your own channel!

How to Use VidIQ Pro

By taking advantage of its robust features, users can unlock new opportunities for success in video marketing.

  1. The first step to using VidIQ Pro is signing up for an account. This process is straightforward and user-friendly and can be completed by visiting their website and entering your payment information. 
  2. Once your account is created, you will gain access to a dashboard of useful analytics tools. 
  3. These include a keyword explorer, competitor analysis, audience insights, content performance scoring system, and more.
  4. Once you have familiarized yourself with the platform, you can optimize your videos for maximum visibility. 
  5. Utilize the keyword explorer to identify the most relevant search terms for your video content. 
  6. Then use the competitor analysis feature to examine other successful videos in your field and learn from their strategies.

Finding trending videos on YouTube using VidIQ can be a great way to discover and watch interesting, popular content. By leveraging the power of analytics and statistics, VidIQ provides users with an easy-to-use platform for finding what’s popular in the world of YouTube videos.

  1. Getting started with VidIQ is simple: you must install the Chrome extension and create a free account. 
  2. Once established, you will be presented with a dashboard that displays the most popular topics in your area of interest. 
  3. To narrow down your search further, use the filters provided by VidIQ to find trending videos related to specific topics or even specific creators.

One of the main features of VidIQ is its ‘Trending’ section, which shows clips from recent broadcasts and earlier uploads that have since become popular due to engagement from viewers. 

This allows you to quickly identify emerging trends and capitalize on them before they become saturated. You can also use this feature to find out what kind of content other successful YouTubers are posting so that you can create similar content yourself and increase your visibility on the platform.

How to Set Trend Alerts on YouTube

Setting up these Trend Alerts is easy, and here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

  1. First, open up the YouTube mobile app and log into your account (or create one if you don’t have one). 
  2. On the home page, click on the “Notifications” tab at the bottom of your screen. Then tap “Trend Alerts” at the top of your screen. 
  3. This will bring you to a list of recommended topics related to your interests.
  4. You can customize your Trend Alerts by tapping “Create an alert” at the bottom right of your screen. 
  5. Type in any topic that interests you – such as a celebrity name, music genre, or video game – and then select “Done” when finished. 
  6. You’ll automatically start receiving notifications when new videos are uploaded related to this topic or trend.

Customize Alerts

Another great feature is that you can personalize how often you want to receive these alerts. Tap on “Settings” at the top right corner of your screen and then choose between daily or weekly updates. If you select daily updates, this means that every day you will receive a notification about any new videos related to your chosen topic. 

However, if you opt for weekly updates instead, this means that once per week, YouTube will give you an overview of all new videos from that same week related to your particular topic or trend alert.

Once finished setting up all desired alerts, go back to the home page by clicking on “Home” at the bottom left corner of your screen, and now wait for trending topics notifications in real time! 

Now, whenever something new appears related to your interests, you will be among the first people who know about it – thanks to YouTube Trend Alerts!

VidIQ Description Campaigns

VidIQ Description Campaigns are a great way to increase your video’s visibility and reach. With VidIQ, you can easily create campaigns targeting specific audiences or demographics to get more views for your videos. 

You can also use this feature to drive traffic from other sources, such as YouTube Ads and social media platforms. Additionally, you can track the performance of each of your campaigns, so you know what is working and what isn’t. 

By using VidIQ Description Campaigns, you can maximize the potential of every video on your channel!

How to Use VidIQ Boost Plan

When using VidIQ Boost Plan, the first step is to create an account on the platform. 

Optimize Content: After that, you can start optimizing your channel’s content. You can quickly analyze videos and view reports to understand their performance and see where improvements could be made. 

Keyword Research Tools: VidIQ Boost Plan also offers keyword research tools that allow you to identify topics people are searching for to create content accordingly.

Hashtag Tracking: Another great feature of the VidIQ Boost Plan is its hashtag-tracking capabilities. This allows you to keep track of trending hashtags and uncover related ones using an interactive heatmap. This helps you select the most relevant keywords so that viewers can find your videos easily through searches or associated videos in search results.

Campaign Builder: In addition to these features, VidIQ Boost Plan also includes a powerful campaign builder that enables users to launch their campaigns with just a few clicks. You can choose from various templates or create custom campaigns with targeted audiences for tremendous success with your videos. 

Automated Rules: By setting automated rules for each campaign type (e-commerce vouchers or reminders), you can monitor performance and make adjustments while running multiple campaigns simultaneously to maximize reach and visibility on YouTube. 

How to Grow YouTube Channel Using VidIQ

The first step in growing your YouTube channel is to optimize your content. This means making sure that the titles and descriptions are captivating and descriptive so viewers will be drawn in to watch. 

Use Keyword Tools

VidIQ’s Title Analyzer tool lets you know how well your titles will perform before they even hit the internet. You can also use their Keyword Tool or Channel Audit Tool to find relevant terms you may want to add to your titles or descriptions for maximum visibility. 

Create More Videos

Another great way to grow your YouTube Channel is by creating multiple videos around a single topic or theme. This helps create an audience around a specific style or subject matter that keeps viewers coming back for more of that particular content. 

Track Videos

Through VidIQ’s Series Manager feature, you can easily track what videos are associated with a specific series, ensuring continuity between videos while keeping them fresh and exciting for viewers. 

Use Analytics

Finally, utilizing analytics is one of the essential practices for growing a YouTube channel. It allows you to track trends over time and identify areas where improvement could be made. 

Measure Metrics

With VidIQ’s Stats Dashboard feature, you can quickly analyze critical metrics such as views count, watch time, subscribers gained, engagement rate, and much more to take advantage of all the insight into how well each video is performing. 

Pros of VidIQ

  • With the help of this platform, video creators can access a wide variety of analytics and insights about their videos.
  • The platform also provides users with the ability to measure and track the success of their campaigns easily. 
  • Another great benefit of using VidIQ is that it offers numerous features that save users time and energy when managing their videos’ performance across multiple platforms.
  • Finally, VidIQ offers various features designed specifically for YouTube creators, such as YouTube Live Streaming Analytics & Alerts, suggested tags, Video optimization checklist, & thumbnail optimization.

Cons of VidIQ 

  • Firstly, some people might need help using other analytics tools due to their steep learning curve. 
  • Secondly, although the service does provide various helpful insights about viewer behavior, there may still be certain cases where more information is needed for more advanced analysis.
  • Lastly, another disadvantage is that some free features are available on this platform. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is VidIQ good?

With the ability to track views, likes, shares, comments, and more from various social networks and sources, VidIQ makes it easier to monitor and measure the success of each video. 

Is VidIQ better than TubeBuddy?

It is difficult to definitively say which tool is better, VidIQ or TubeBuddy, as they both offer beneficial features for optimizing YouTube video performance. However, when assessing each platform’s strengths and weaknesses, some points can be made in favor of one. 

Is VidIQ suitable for YouTube?

VidIQ is a highly beneficial tool for YouTube creators. It provides a suite of features and analytics specifically designed to help creators optimize the performance of their videos on YouTube. With VidIQ, users can track their videos’ performance across many metrics, such as views, likes & dislikes, watch time, subscribers, and more.

Is VidIQ free?

Yes, VidIQ is indeed free. The platform offers a suite of powerful tools and features to help content creators on YouTube optimize their videos for increased search engine visibility and audience engagement. 

Concluding Thoughts

By leveraging Vidiq’s features to boost organic reach on YouTube, you can increase visibility for new viewers and loyal followers alike. Ultimately this will allow you to maximize success with every upload while saving yourself valuable time that could be better spent creating excellent content!

Joe Troyer

Joe Troyer is the Founder of Review Grower. He is leading expert in all things Internet Marketing: Pay Per Click Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Google Business, Reputation Management, Landing Page Conversion, and Call Tracking.

More from Joe Troyer

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