
5.0 (1542 reviews)

First Aid Station Reputation Management

In our data study we searched for the key phrase First Aid Station in New York City, and then repeated this for the other top 199 most populated cities in the United States. We then analyzed First Aid Station Google Business (previously: Google My Business) Profiles to understand the Industry. How many reviews do you need? How many reviews do you need to rank in the top 3 of Google? And much more.

Average Number Of Reviews For All First Aid Station Companies

After conducting a thorough data study on First Aid Station Google My Business profiles in the top 200 most populated cities in the United States, we found that the average number of reviews for all First Aid Station companies is 56. This means that on average, First Aid Station companies have received 56 reviews from their customers. However, it is important to note that there is a wide range of review counts among these companies. While some have only received 4 or less reviews, others have received 500 or more. This indicates that there is a significant variation in the level of engagement and satisfaction among customers of First Aid Station companies. Further analysis is needed to understand the factors that contribute to this variation and how it can be addressed to improve the reputation management landscape for First Aid Station companies.

Average Number Of Reviews Of The First Aid Station Companies Ranked In The Top 3 Of Google

After conducting a thorough data study on the First Aid Station companies in the top 200 most populated cities in the United States, it was found that San Diego had the highest average number of reviews in the top 3 Google search results. With an average of 75 reviews, San Diego surpassed New York, which had an average of 37 reviews. San Antonio, with an average of 16 reviews, came in third place. The remaining cities had an average of 3 reviews or less. It is interesting to note that even though New York is one of the most populated cities in the United States, it did not have the highest average number of reviews for First Aid Station companies in the top 3 Google search results. This finding suggests that the reputation management landscape for First Aid Station companies may vary depending on the city.

Cities With The Highest Amount Of First Aid Station Google Reviews

After conducting a thorough data study on First Aid Station Google My Business profiles in the top 200 most populated cities in the United States, we found that St. Petersburg, Florida had the highest amount of Google reviews with a staggering 39,387. Following closely behind were Garland, Texas with 8,962 reviews and Tulsa, Oklahoma with 1,198 reviews. Tucson, Arizona and Austin, Texas rounded out the top five with 1,124 and 1,009 reviews respectively. It’s interesting to note that Vancouver, Washington, a city with a population of just over 184,000, had 749 reviews, surpassing larger cities such as Savannah, Georgia and Detroit, Michigan. Overall, the data suggests that there is a significant interest in First Aid Stations across the United States, with many individuals taking the time to leave reviews and share their experiences.

Cities With The Least Amount Of First Aid Station Google Reviews That Still Ranked In The Top 3

After conducting a thorough data study on First Aid Station Google My Business profiles in the top 200 most populated cities in the United States, it was found that some cities had surprisingly low numbers of reviews despite ranking in the top 3. Chandler, Bridgeport, Baton Rouge, Baltimore, Bakersfield, Aurora, Augusta, Anchorage, Amarillo, and Akron all had zero reviews for their First Aid Stations. This raises questions about the accessibility and visibility of these stations in these cities. Are they not being utilized or are they simply not being reviewed? It is important for these cities to take a closer look at their First Aid Station infrastructure and ensure that they are easily accessible and well-known to the public.

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