
5.0 (1542 reviews)

Armenian Church Reputation Management

In our data study we searched for the key phrase Armenian Church in New York City, and then repeated this for the other top 199 most populated cities in the United States. We then analyzed Armenian Church Google Business (previously: Google My Business) Profiles to understand the Industry. How many reviews do you need? How many reviews do you need to rank in the top 3 of Google? And much more.

Average Number Of Reviews For All Armenian Church Companies

After conducting a thorough analysis of Armenian Church Google My Business profiles in the top 200 most populated cities in the United States, it was found that the average number of reviews for all Armenian Church companies is relatively low. In fact, 19% of the companies had 10 or less reviews, while 16% had 20 or less. This indicates that there is a significant opportunity for Armenian Churches to improve their online presence and reputation management. With only 15% of companies having 30 or less reviews, it is clear that there is a need for more engagement with customers and a focus on encouraging them to leave reviews. It is also worth noting that 11% of companies had 40 or less reviews, while only 9% had 50 or less. This suggests that there is a drop-off in the number of reviews after the 40 mark, indicating that companies should aim to reach this threshold and then continue to encourage reviews to maintain a strong online reputation. Overall, the data highlights the importance of actively managing online reviews and engaging with customers to improve the reputation of Armenian Churches in the United States.

Average Number Of Reviews Of The Armenian Church Companies Ranked In The Top 3 Of Google

After conducting a thorough data study on the Armenian Church in the top 200 most populated cities in the United States, it was found that the average number of reviews for the top 3 ranked companies on Google was 74 in New York, 48 in Los Angeles, 24 in Dallas, 20 in Phoenix, 11 in Philadelphia, 10 in Houston, San Diego, and San Jose, 7 in San Antonio, and 5 in Chicago. This information sheds light on the reputation management landscape of Armenian Churches in the United States. It is interesting to note that New York had the highest average number of reviews, which could be attributed to the larger Armenian population in the city. The data also suggests that there is room for improvement in terms of review management for Armenian Churches in some cities, as the average number of reviews in the top 3 was relatively low. Overall, this data study provides valuable insights for Armenian Churches looking to improve their online presence and reputation management strategies.

Cities With The Highest Amount Of Armenian Church Google Reviews

After conducting a thorough data study on Armenian Church Google My Business profiles in the top 200 most populated cities in the United States, it was found that the city with the highest amount of reviews was Escondido with 991 reviews. Following closely behind were Fort Collins with 434 reviews, Columbia with 288 reviews, Gilbert with 284 reviews, and Sterling Heights with 267 reviews. Surprisingly, New York, a city known for its large Armenian population, only had 223 reviews. Other cities in the top 10 included Glendale with 209 reviews, Omaha with 209 reviews, Palmdale with 191 reviews, and Warren with 186 reviews. It is interesting to note that the cities with the highest amount of reviews were not necessarily the cities with the largest Armenian populations. This data study provides valuable insights into the review and reputation management landscape of Armenian Churches in the United States.

Cities With The Least Amount Of Armenian Church Google Reviews That Still Ranked In The Top 3

Our data study on Armenian Church Google My Business profiles in the top 200 most populated cities in the United States revealed some interesting findings. Surprisingly, some cities with the least amount of reviews still ranked in the top 3. Baton Rouge, Baltimore, and Bakersfield had zero reviews for Armenian Churches, yet they still managed to rank in the top 3. This raises questions about the Armenian community in these cities and their engagement with online platforms. It also highlights the potential for growth and improvement in terms of review and reputation management for Armenian Churches in these areas. It will be interesting to see how these cities develop in the future and whether their online presence will improve.

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