
5.0 (1542 reviews)

Wind Turbine Builder Reputation Management

In our data study we searched for the key phrase Wind Turbine Builder in New York City, and then repeated this for the other top 199 most populated cities in the United States. We then analyzed Wind Turbine Builder Google Business (previously: Google My Business) Profiles to understand the Industry. How many reviews do you need? How many reviews do you need to rank in the top 3 of Google? And much more.

Average Number Of Reviews For All Wind Turbine Builder Companies

After conducting a thorough analysis of Wind Turbine Builder Google My Business profiles in the top 200 most populated cities in the United States, we found that the average number of reviews for all Wind Turbine Builder companies is relatively low. In fact, 35% of Wind Turbine Builder companies had zero reviews at all. The majority of companies had 20 or less reviews, with only a small percentage having over 100 reviews. This suggests that Wind Turbine Builder companies may not be prioritizing their online reputation management as much as other industries. With the growing importance of online reviews and reputation management, Wind Turbine Builder companies may want to consider investing more resources into this area to improve their online presence and attract more customers.

Average Number Of Reviews Of The Wind Turbine Builder Companies Ranked In The Top 3 Of Google

After conducting a thorough data study on Wind Turbine Builder companies in the top 200 most populated cities in the United States, we found that the average number of reviews for companies ranked in the top 3 of Google was 172 in San Jose, 88 in San Antonio, 81 in Phoenix, 21 in San Diego, 16 in Chicago, 9 in Houston, 3 in Dallas, 2 in Los Angeles, and 0 in both New York and Philadelphia. These numbers are quite intriguing and raise several questions. Why do some cities have significantly more reviews than others? Is it due to a higher demand for wind turbines in those areas or is it simply a matter of better review and reputation management by the companies in those cities? Further research is needed to fully understand the reasons behind these findings.

Cities With The Highest Amount Of Wind Turbine Builder Google Reviews

After conducting a thorough data study on Wind Turbine Builder Google My Business profiles in the top 200 most populated cities in the United States, we found that West Valley City, Utah had the highest amount of Google reviews with a staggering 27,353. Following closely behind were Chula Vista, California with 15,017 reviews and Saint Paul, Minnesota with 12,250 reviews. It’s interesting to note that two cities named Kansas City made the list, with one in Missouri and the other in Kansas, both having over 1,800 reviews. Other cities on the list included Elk Grove, California, Visalia, California, Atlanta, Georgia, Santa Clarita, California, and New Haven, Connecticut. It’s clear that there is a significant interest in Wind Turbine Builders across the United States, and these cities are leading the way in terms of online reviews and reputation management.

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